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Remote DHCP Server Blues!!!!

Sat May 31, 2008 3:32 am

ok, here i go.

I have a remote mikrotik server that is only dhcp on a layer 2 ip address (ex: The subnet it is broadcasting is layer 3 (public). On my network i have 4 Remote networks with customers on these. I want to and have tried lightly to setup so my dhcp server is handling all request. On each network edge of the 4 networks i have a primary ip add and a sec ip add, the upstream links have a dchp forward address ability. What i need is a better understanding of what my config may be in order to allow dhcp to flow to these remote edge networks.

DHCP>>>>>Edge one(helper add?)(>>>>>>Core Mikrotik routing(DHCP Forward?)>>>>>Edge Two(DHCP Helper?) (>>>>>>Edge Three(DHCP Helper)(

Each request coming from the remote network needs to be sent to my core (Mikrotik Routing)DHCP Forward Off. The upstream links/VPNS need helper address for the requests. Im very close to the answer, but before i proceed want a professional opinion. My email If someone can help it wold be great. Untill this point i have manged mikrotik very well, but at some point you have to ask for help.

I can provide a drawing or more details if need be, the help is appreciated.
