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Routerboard 450 start up

Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:28 pm

I just bought an routerboard 450. I plugged power supply to it and a blue light is on.

How should I install OS on it? I received a CD with the package but I do not see how to connect and download the OS. Shall I use serial port or Ethernet port?

Any help will be great.
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Re: Routerboard 450 start up

Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:20 am

Im sure it's already installed with RouterOS 3.x. Single beep at power on, double beep at services started. Just use WinBox to connect once it's double beeped.
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Re: Routerboard 450 start up

Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:49 am

You are right. Single beep and then 2 beeps. I will try to connect to it. Shall I use ethernet cable? What IP should I put to my ethernet card?

Anyway I have installed yesterday Virtual PC as I have seen in tutorials which came with the router. Something happened. When I boot up this morning my internal laptop HDD was empty, not even formatted.

Glad I have made a back-up before.
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Re: Routerboard 450 start up

Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:53 am

1. download winbox from
2. open the program while connected to the router via Ethernet
3. click on the "..." button in the Winbox loader menu, it will look for the router's MAC address
4. Click on the MAC to connect
5. Configure an IP address, close winbox, and reconnect using an IP this time
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Re: Routerboard 450 start up

Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:36 pm

Got it. Thanks guys. It was easy but if you didn't do it before, is hard.
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Re: Routerboard 450 start up

Wed Jul 30, 2008 2:31 pm

It can works better for 300 users ????
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Re: Routerboard 450 start up

Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:50 pm

hello to all, as you can see, i am new to this forum and a total mikrotik newbie :)

i also just bought rb450 and having some trouble:
at power on i can hear one beep, two beeps shortly after, however, when i plug ethernet cable into the rb450 i`m getting "Acquiring IP address" message for too long and no matter what i do, i`m getting stuck with "limited or no connectivity" at the end.

my lan card tcp/ip is set to "Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain DNS server address automatically", and changing manually an IP and/or DNS doesen`t help at all. the lan card works fine with my ordinary home cable router, i`m on WinXP.

what should i do?
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Re: Routerboard 450 start up

Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:48 am

the router is NOT preconfigured and will not give you any IP addresses. you have to use the method above ( ... 23#p120723) to connect with our Winbox utility, and then you can configure the DHCP server, the IP pool and the rest of the things that are needed to make it functional.
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Re: Routerboard 450 start up

Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:28 pm


I am doing a similar project with some help from one of the consultants. I could sent you what I got so far and then maybe we should join forces to do the remaining bit. I have most of the set up in place with a basic firewall. I just need to add some of the more advanced stuff like QoS and access restrictions.

I tried to sent you a PM, but it seems just to get stuck in my outbox.

if you are interested then email me a

rgs Pilgrim
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Re: Routerboard 450 start up

Fri May 13, 2011 8:23 pm

So, after three years I manage to solve few of my wishes.

Setup is as simple as possible:
1xWAN connection
4xLAN connections setup as switch
dynamic queue arranged for load balancing between users (pcq type).

Recently I have learned how to update from 3.6 OS to 5.2. Operating with winbox is much faster, also possible due to IP connection instead of mac connection.

So far, I am happy with the product.