Well, I have some bad news for you - everything that is made right now (not by mikrotik, I mean everything) is eventually going to be replaced by a newer product.
The good news is - the old ones will still work and be supported
What do you suggest, no progress at all?
I assist this. The only thing to blame is the problem of
changes to things which need no progress:
- Mounting holes (I would like all boards with 4 holes at the same places)
- Power: I would like one Powersupply which runs all boards (Anyone here
who has no killed 500 board nailed to the wall
Keep one picture in mind: A lonely system admin on a cold rainy sunday night
on a high telco-tower 100km away from office. He has a power supply in his
left hand and a router board in the right. His last two words before jumping
down the tower: "48 Volt".