Hello, here its my problem. I have a RB333 with SR9 set as AP Bridge with and 8db omni antenna. The SR9 Main interface is set in WDS Mode: Dynamic and WDS Default Bridge: Bridge1
Bridge1 has all the interfaces bridges to him, SR9 main, SR9 Virtual AP and the 3 ethernet ports with only 1 in use
The Virtual AP interface has the SR9 as Master Interface and is set in WDS Mode: disable and WDS Default Bridge: none
here is the deal, with the client CPE(rb411 lvl3) I can connect as Station WDS to the main interface without a Problem, I set the WDS config the same as the AP. But when I try to connect to the Virtual AP interface it keeps "searching for network". I can see the Virtual AP in the wireless Scan option and I selected and press Connect but it doesnt do it. The rb411 has also the wlan1 and ether1 bridged.
Also try to set the Main SR9 as WDS mode: none but the same keeps happening, no connection to the AP.
In the RB333 I also have 1 XR2 also with 1 Virtual AP and both, main and virtual interface works without a problem.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks everyone for your time.