I have 3 MT hotspot controllers running in different PCs. One unit is aging and I wanted to migrate the system to a new PC.
I easily loaded my 2.8.15 router into the new PC with three ethernet ports. My old system had 3 ethernet ports and they were identified in the old system as ether1, ether2, and ether3. I entered the LAN address and gateway onto ether 1 so I could communicate with the machine via the ethernet. All this worked fine. Then I used FTP to upload my backup file from the OLD router into the NEW router (with a new key). This all SEEMED to work OK, but when it got uploaded, communications with the router was lost on "ether1" and it did not appear on either of the other two ethernet ports either.
I investigated (for a couple of days as I have pretty well forgotten how this router works!).
I found that inside the NEW system the ether1/ether2/ether3 ports were converted so that
ether1 became ether2
ether2 became ether4
ether3 became ether5
Also, the new ethernet ports (Ether4 and ether5) were disabled. Also, the gateway interface was listed as "unknown" and the port used by my local LAN became "unknown" as well.
When I sorted out these THREE diverse problems, everything started working normally.
What is going on here? I thought if I used the same firmware and the mating backup file on a new computer, that the Mikrotik would "take off running" without a hitch. Is every move to a new unit of hardware fraught with problems like these?
Is there a way to more easily migrate to a new unit of hardware?
Another Question: I was going to try to upgrade to version 3.1.0 as a part of the hardware upgrade and I got sidetracked by the above. Does anyone know what I am going to run into if I try to upgrade to 3.1.0 from 2.8.15? Do I have to do it in multiple steps?
Thanks for any advice as I have a couple of more hotspots that have aging hardware.