Hi everybody
I have several problems with my servers running RouterOS 3.X, they work ok for a while but suddenly stops working and i can't access to them anymore. There is not network access, there is not console access even there is not video, I need to restart it by hand to get them working again, obviously I couldn't generate an autosupot.rif file to send it by email.
It is so frustrating I have this servers runnins as HotSpot Gateway in a production environment with about 500 users each one, so ever time they hangs my Internet service is down.
My configuration is as following:
1) HP PC Pentium IV, 512 MB RAM, IDE HD, 2 REALTEK NIC Cards RTL-8139 Family
2) ACER PC Pentium Celeron, 1 GB RAM, SATA HD, 2 REALTELK NIC Cards RTL-8139 Family, 1 Realtek RTL8211B NIC (this is not recognized by kernell)
The issue appears randomly and I could't identify it.
Any tip wil be helpfull.
Thanks in advance.