I am testing OpenDNS now for filtering sites but I have some questions(after reading on the forum).
I'm running MT 2.9.x. Tested with some different configurations but im not able so see exactly which one is correct, since OpenDNS need some time to put the information on their servers. So i'm looking to set up in the good way.
At the moment this is my config.
ip web-proxy set enabled=yes src-address= port=8080 hostname="***" transparent-proxy=yes \
parent-proxy= cache-administrator="***" \
max-object-size=4096KiB cache-drive=secondary-master max-cache-size=unlimited \
ip firewall filter add chain=input in-interface=***(ISP) protocol=tcp dst-port=8080 action=drop \
comment="prevent using web-proxy as open proxy" disabled=no
ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat dst-address=! protocol=tcp dst-port=80 action=redirect \
to-ports=8080 comment="redirect http traffic from port 80 to 8080" disabled=no
ip dns set primary-dns=ISP Prim. secondary-dns=ISP Sec. allow-remote-requests=no \
cache-size=2048KiB cache-max-ttl=1w
Will OpenDNS work with ip web-proxy enabled redirecting http traffic from port 80 to 8080 and preventing it to be used from outside and default ISP DNS's, only by redirecting port 53 to OpenDNS? If it does work show me the way please! The same if it doesn't
Also I suppose the surfing speed will decrease,the firsts packet will arrive after 1ms(router)+120ms(to OpenDNS)+120ms(back to router)+1ms(client) since the client will first request something on my router > redirect DNS to OpenDNS(filter) > back to my router > client. Will the speed decrease, i am right at those calculations !?
Thank you