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PPPoE +Publics IP + ARP questions!

Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:52 am

Hello everybody!!
I have some dude about PPPoE and ARP with public IPs. :?
At the moment, I have my Wireless Networks, with a PPPoE server giving internal IPs, and I'm trying to change it, to have in each AP a PPPoE server (thanks to the advantages of MKT).
I have configure a Linux with Freeradius and MySQL, which will take the control of the users validations and give they Public IPs, and some RB working as AP and PPPoE server, in each place where I've wireless clients.
I want to implement this new "public network" the more clean possible. So I don't know ,how to set the ARP property in the Ethernets (or WLANs) of each "AP - PPPoe Server". In the manual said, that I've to configure the public interface like proxy-arp, and the interface, where run the PPPoE Server, like arp=enable. Is it OK, if I my clients will have public IP?, I nonfodder that.
I tried this configuration, and I have a lot kind of problems. The most common, was some clients, that connected wonderful, but couldn't get outside the network, and other, in the same AP, could do everything without any problems!!!! In the clients with problem, I made a traceroute, and it stop in the "AP - PPPoe Server" and couldn't arrive to the client! :shock: And with another clients worked perfectly. This problem happened in client that connected and disconnected sometimes.

So, the questions are:
1- How I have to configure the ARP in each interface?
2- I have to make same special routing inside my networks? like OSFP or BGP or another? The only thing that I to is to insert in IP Route the common rule of gateway, dst-address= gateway=X.X.X.X. It is all?

Thanks in advance

Rafael Lore

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