recently I buy the new rb433 v3.10( i was working with rb532 v2.9.. Work FINE), I applied the same strategy of configuration to new rb433 (not rb433h). I used wds , ap-bridge , wlan 1 is freq 1 point to point, wlan2 freq2 client side.
The problem is that RB433, Is not detecting the conecction of my clients, I reset al configurations, update the routeros to v3.13, I Applied the configuration again.. but the rb433 no detect the conection.
The rb433, only detect this conection ( boot pc port 67,68, winbox port 8291, scan mt 5678 and port 137).. the rest o connection is not detect.
I need that rb detect the conection, for use the firewall.
The wireless work fine. the tracking is enable.
what is the solution..???