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Feature Requests

Sat Oct 25, 2008 5:02 am


Just a couple of feature requests.

First and foremost a link on at the top of this page with a list of feature requests already mentioned by others to save looking through peoples posts (so many). Updated by an admin to keep it clear and concise.

You have an auto update feature in the routers. At the moment you have to manually download the npk file too your computer then to the router itself or to a designated router to serve the files out as update requests come in.
-Have a couple of designated servers around the world that have the latest releases/ previous releases that router boards can link into and obtain the latest software when it gets released.
-Designated router on the network downloads all available releases that can then use the existing auto update feature to spread updates across the network.
-Option to tell a machine to get beta releases.

Firewall ripple effect(please note there is a proper name for this I just cant remember what its called).
-Create a firewall on one router then allow other routers to copy and synchronize their firewall off that machine. This would save time in populating other routers with a script.
-Allow each entry in the mangle or firewall to have the ripple effect option to turn it on/off so that if does or doesn’t filter down to other routers in the network.
-This could also apply to other properties that could span multiple routers
Example I have forward rules on my routers to block virus ports which I would like to implement on just one machine (gw server) and have it propagate out to others on my network.

Script repository
-A script repository that people can upload their scripts to, for others to download. This would allow people to add updates to the likes of a virus blocking list.
This would give you a great advantage over other routing manufacturers with the global community able to add to scripts that know what contents to detect in frames for virus and junk mail.
–with an auto update feature this would provide a better fight against spam and virus’s.

Proxy server
-The ability to one click import/export or auto update import from a server around the world white lists and black list for IP’s for the proxy server.

-The ability to create a self signed certificate to use on the router and your own network.

-ip6 DNS
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Re: Feature Requests

Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:34 am

thank you for the ideas. we already have configuration repositories - the
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Re: Feature Requests

Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:48 pm

I really really like the auto update feature.

Firmware would be nice also.

I vote for this for sure.

I dream I am happy with a version and I can within an hour update 1000 cpe's

Perhaps have the option "reboot time" so they all download at random times but will reboot at 3am or something.


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