Somebody tries to connect my ftp from internet. How can I block his address not to connect to mine?
error is:
login failure for user Administrator from (ip address)
also another person always pings me.
/ip firewall filter add chain=input src-address=a.b.c.d action=drop
I did that from routing part. Is that also OK?where a.b.c.d is the IP Address you wish to blockCode: Select all/ip firewall filter add chain=input src-address=a.b.c.d action=drop
This code will drop all connections to the router from a.b.c.d. You may wish to narrow the net a little by specifying the protocol (TCP) and port.
Well that code didn't helped me to get pings:where a.b.c.d is the IP Address you wish to blockCode: Select all/ip firewall filter add chain=input src-address=a.b.c.d action=drop
This code will drop all connections to the router from a.b.c.d. You may wish to narrow the net a little by specifying the protocol (TCP) and port.
/ip firewall filter add chain=input src-address=a.b.c.d action=drop
/ip firewall filter add chain=forward src-address=a.b.c.d action=drop
That let's me not to connect that ip, I don't want that ip to make connection to me.You need only two "drop" rules to completely block a particular IP address. One in the input chain and the other in the forward chain. This rules must then be placed above all other "allow" rules, preferably at the very top of the filter rules.
you must replace "a.b.c.d" in the above codes with the ip address you wish to block and then move this rules to the very top in filter.Code: Select all/ip firewall filter add chain=input src-address=a.b.c.d action=drop /ip firewall filter add chain=forward src-address=a.b.c.d action=drop
# Define Source lists for connections to block/allow
add action=drop chain=ProtectRouter comment="Drop connections from bad people" disabled=no src-address-list=BadPeople
add action=accept chain=ProtectRouter comment="Accept connections from good people" disabled=no src-address-list=GoodPeople
# Allow related connections
add action=accept chain=ProtectRouter comment="Allow related connections" connection-state=related disabled=no
# Dynamically Allow Connections
add action=accept chain=ProtectRouter comment="Accept < 5 pings" disabled=no limit=5/10s,1 protocol=icmp
add action=accept chain=ProtectRouter comment="Allow < 3 SSH attempts" disabled=no dst-port=22 limit=1/6s,1 protocol=tcp
# Dynamic Connection Blocking
# address-list - This parameter is set to the list we defined for our "BadPeople" list
# address-list-timeout - This parameter can be set to block for timed period if removed this equals always block
# chain - This parameter is set to the "ProtectRouter" chain for rule grouping and to allow related connections
add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=BadPeople address-list-timeout=1h chain=ProtectRouter comment="Block > 5 pings" disabled=no protocol=icmp
add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=BadPeople address-list-timeout=1d chain=ProtectRouter comment="Block > 3 SSH attempts" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=22 protocol=tcp
add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=BadPeople address-list-timeout=1d chain=ProtectRouter comment="Block Port Scanners" disabled=no protocol=tcp psd=21,3s,3,1
/ip firewall address-list add list=BadPeople
sarpkaya:You make everything complicated. There's a only one person who is bad person, boogy man or whatever you call.
How can I block his address?
add action=drop chain=ProtectRouter comment="Drop connections from bad people" disabled=no src-address-list=BadPeople
add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=BadPeople address-list-timeout=1h chain=ProtectRouter comment="Block > 5 pings" disabled=no protocol=icmp
add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=BadPeople address-list-timeout=1d chain=ProtectRouter comment="Block > 3 SSH attempts" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=22 protocol=tcp
add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=BadPeople address-list-timeout=1d chain=ProtectRouter comment="Block Port Scanners" disabled=no protocol=tcp psd=21,3s,3,1
/ip firewall address-list add list=BadPeople
are those enough to keep only badperson from my network? Anybody can ping and try to connect my router except that person who has ip address. I just want to do that.
add action=drop chain=ProtectRouter comment="Drop connections from bad people" disabled=no src-address-list=BadPeople
/ip firewall address-list add list=BadPeople
# If a person pings my IP more than 5 times then block add their IP to the BadPeople list for 1 hour
add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=BadPeople address-list-timeout=1h chain=ProtectRouter comment="Block > 5 pings" limit=5/10s,1 protocol=icmp
# If a person attempts more than 3 SSH connections in x time their IP to the BadPerson list for 1 day
add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=BadPeople address-list-timeout=1d chain=ProtectRouter comment="Block > 3 SSH attempts" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=22 protocol=tcp limit=1/6s,1 protocol=tcp
# If a person attempts to port scan the router add their IP to the BadPerson list for 1 day
add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=BadPeople address-list-timeout=1d chain=ProtectRouter comment="Block Port Scanners" disabled=no protocol=tcp psd=21,3s,3,1
sarpkaya:what's the prefix of these 3 codes like /ip firewall? it is not working.
/ip firewall add action=drop chain=ProtectRouter comment="Drop connections from bad people" disabled=no src-address-list=BadPeoplesarpkaya:what's the prefix of these 3 codes like /ip firewall? it is not working.
Do you ever get the feeling that you always forget to include something important, I always re-read my post before submitting and inevitably always for get something important. To apply those three rules via the console you need to be at /ip firewall filter.
Sorry about that,
John Annis
The Wireless Web
sarpkaya:/ip firewall add action=drop chain=ProtectRouter comment="Drop connections from bad people" disabled=no src-address-list=BadPeoplesarpkaya:what's the prefix of these 3 codes like /ip firewall? it is not working.
Do you ever get the feeling that you always forget to include something important, I always re-read my post before submitting and inevitably always for get something important. To apply those three rules via the console you need to be at /ip firewall filter.
Sorry about that,
John Annis
The Wireless Web
is not working. That's what I'm saying.
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=ProtectRouter comment="Drop connections from bad people" disabled=no src-address-list=BadPeople