Id like to suggest something that might cause allot of ruckus.
One of the biggest problems i experience with MT is that it is released in a add-hock fashion.
Slapped together with what appears to be NO testing.
Now im not ragging a brilliant product, id simply like to suggest a better way of releasing it.
Via branches. A stable branch , A Developers Branch, A Release Branch.
or similar......
The stable branch is guaranteed to work with NO bugs or if there are few small ones, WELL documented!
A Release Branch, somewhat tested and suggested to become stable.
And the Developers branch, entirely untested , at you're own risk......
This is what will separate MT from say the cisco's.
If a company is structured correctly these issues will result in a analysis of the risk factors introduced by MT.
Way to often The software gets released and the bugs are so critical it brings down a network or causes unexpected greaf.
Another issue id like to bring up is the changelog!
What is the use of using it if it isn't complete? Often MANY bugs are fixed and not reported in changelog.
How does one know if one should upgrade to fix an issue if he must do it blindly at the HUGE risk of introducing new ones?
I do not consider the current methods professional and would simply like some input on this.
This is NOT meant to start a flame, and IF there are reasons, id like to know.