ctrl+vIt is auto completing. How do I turn this off???? Please
This way we waste bandwidth. Download will achieve only 59% of total link speed. We need to show our customers advantage in speeds and quality, not disabilities.create main queue with 100% upload or download respectively. then make child queues,
- * queue for ping, high priority, 1% of traffic
- * queue for http, high priority -1, say, % depending on speed for example 1MB/s and that is 40%
all that for download, upload
- * queue for the rest of traffic
that way, if no one uses ICMP and TCP-HTTP you have 100 - 40 -1 % of your BW used = 59%
then, when you have some "hardcore http surfers" you will use 99% of traffic, and then, if someone start using icmp he will get last 1% for ICMP
also - parent queue have to have match all the traffic that will go for child queues
5 If this policeman is our bandwidth manager in our MT, when he drops packets, tcp flow should adjust in 2-3 seconds due to TCP window adjusting?yeah, right. but, as I said, this policeman had to be _before_ the side road, i.e. at your provider's devicesYES we can let the side car to enter the road even if its 100% , a police man can stop the side line making a space for this car ... right ? this police man what i'm searching for ..
6 Maybe QoS should work nevertheless but keeping some spare bandwidth could save us those 2-3 seconds? Allowing for the car to enter the road first, and the policeman dropping another car after he sees there will be no space on the road ahead?i think if you just do the queue tree and the MAIN QUEUE for upload and the MAIN QUEUE for download for an example 95% of your total down/up bandwitdth the priorities and qos should work better coz they will have some room to work.
This is the question of this topic. 7 How does provider queue processing (a.k.a. QoS, shaping, policing, etc) affect the work of our QoS in our MT?...
Another thing to mention is I've noticed some internet service providers are already doing their own internal QoS I noticed this on my home internet connection. This made it a bit more difficult as I had no idea what they were in fact doing. So if you are using a generic cable/DSL connection to the internet for your backbone to your wireless network it may be worth asking them if they apply any QoS, or if the modem unit they provided you does.
Exactly. 8 What about those cases when ISPs give us let's say 100Mbps town speed tops, 20Mbps country speed tops, 10Mbps Europe speed, 1Mbps world speed in one cable? How will MT PCQ handle this type of service? It looks like we will be forced to set max-limit 1Mbps for speed to be fair, loosing the rest of the bandwidth. Another type of service is when our ISP gives us for example 10Mbps but between 16:30-22:00 limits us to let's say 5Mbps. How to s setup PCQ then? 9 If we do not set max-speed at tall, what will happen to PCQ?This is probably the best idea I've seen yet, nowhere near as complicated as shaping outbound pps and makes sense that it allows a margin for any new traffic/connections you can't control straight up. You do however need a connection that has a set limit (eg this wouldn't work as well on an contentioned connection as you aren't guranteed the bandwidth)I shape Inbound Traffic
The key is to set your upper limit about 15% lower than your service can push.
so if I had 10Mbps from my supplier I would set my top to 9Mbps.
It does work perfect, I light user has 10ms ping, the hog user when he uses torrent gets 1000+ms ping.
They do, with MikroTik or not, properly or not, efficiently or not. It all comes down to some basic IP principles and the TCP Window. All routers queue packets in the same way. There is no MikroTik rival. There is nothing that can truly beat MikroTik. The basics are the same. If I make my config really good, + Layer 7, my router will beat all....But what if our ISP has MikroTik as well and prioritizes packets as well? How will this affect our results on our end? My guess is - we will see poor/different results and start to think it does not work.
Why is this? What is the IP theory behind this? What can we do to avoid this? What can we do to detect this? What would be the best practice in this case?...
6: No. But gustkiller' suggestion is correct. Why? IP and network design. In particular? Don't know right now.i think if you just do the queue tree and the MAIN QUEUE for upload and the MAIN QUEUE for download for an example 95% of your total down/up bandwitdth the priorities and qos should work better coz they will have some room to work.
the quickiest method is to look at 'dropped packets' statistics of queue, I think =)Here's a question: How to properly adjust pcq-lmit and pcq-total-limit according to one's situation? And what results to expect?
Each simple queue creates 3 separate queues:
One in global-in (“direct” part)
One in Global-out (“reverse” part)
One in Global-total (“total” part)
Simple queues are ordered - similar to firewall rules
further down = longer packet processing
further down = smaller chance to get traffic
(necessary to reduce number of queues)
Queuing Placement
Limitation for in mangle chain “forward” marked traffic can be placed in the “global-out” or interface queue
If queues will be placed in the interface queues
queues on the public interface will capture only client upload
queues on the local interface will capture only client's download
If queues will be placed in global-out
download and upload will be limited together (separate marks needed)
Queue tree creates a unidirectional queue in one of the HTBs. It is also the only way to add a queue on a separate interface. This way it is possible to ease mangle configuration - you don't need separate marks for download and upload - only upload will get to Public interface and only download will get to Private interface.
Also it is possible to have double queuing (example: prioritization of traffic in global-in or global-out, limitation per client on the outgoing interface). If you have simple queues and queue tree in the same HTB - simple queues will get traffic first.
Queue tree is not ordered - all traffic passes it together (unlike simple queue).
You have to avoid configuration, when the same traffic is limited in 'queue simple' and 'queue tree'.
Use 'queue simple' entries only, if you have dynamic PPP queues created.
Add static entries to 'queue simple', when you need advanced QoS scenarios (packet-mark is available there too).
Make sure that static queues for specific services are placed before dynamic queues (that match all traffic), rule order is important.
but it shouldnt be like that , there must be a known info , which one will execute first , or one of them will be ignored ..Try it, if all works fine - leave it that way. Sergej probably meant that it's not Best Practice to do it (in his opinion. probably may have later complications and more CPU and mem usage of router, etc, etc) but if it works - nothing can stop you from using it. May become your Best Practice he he.
Can you explain your mangle rules please.here i use queue tree to make priority and limit maximum speed per protocols globaly ( p2p, http , email and ...) and simple queues to limit user speeds
For an example:Can you explain your mangle rules please.here i use queue tree to make priority and limit maximum speed per protocols globaly ( p2p, http , email and ...) and simple queues to limit user speeds
add action=mark-packet chain=prerouting comment="pop3" disabled=no in-interface=wan new-packet-mark=pop3_in \
passthrough=no protocol=tcp src-port=110
add action=mark-packet chain=postrouting comment="" disabled=no dst-port=110 new-packet-mark=pop3_out out-interface=wan \
passthrough=no protocol=tcp
Why ? Result is exactly the same as /wiki/Basic_traffic_shaping_based_on_layer-7_protocols1. Delete any layer 7 rules that are there now.
2. Paste as following: do not type anything in, just paste:
ip firewall layer7-protocol
add comment="" name=edonkey regexp="^[\C5\D4\E3-\E5].\?.\?.\?.\?([\01\02\05\14\
\15\16\18\19\1A\1B\1C !234568@ABCFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX[`\81\82\90\91\93\96\
\97\98\99\9A\9B\9C\9E\A0\A1\A2\A3\A4]|Y................\?[ -~]|\96....\$)"
add comment="" name=goboogy regexp="<peerplat>|^get /getfilebyhash\\.cgi\\\?|^\
get /queue_register\\.cgi\\\?|^get /getupdowninfo\\.cgi\\\?"
add comment="" name=soribada regexp="^GETMP3\r\
add comment="" name=rdp regexp=rdpdr.*cliprdr.*rdpsnd
add comment="" name=gnutella regexp="^(gnd[\01\02]\?.\?.\?\01|gnutella connect\
\n|get /uri-res/n2r\\\?urn:sha1:|get /.*user-agent: (gtk-gnutella|bearshar\
e|mactella|gnucleus|gnotella|limewire|imesh)|get /.*content-type: applicat\
ion/x-gnutella-packets|giv [0-9]*:[0-9a-f]*/|queue [0-9a-f]* [1-9][0-9]\?[\
1-9][0-9]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?|gnutella.*content-type: application/x-gnutella|.\
add comment="" name=cvs regexp="^BEGIN (AUTH|VERIFICATION|GSSAPI) REQUEST\
add comment="" name=nbns regexp="\01\10\01|\\)\10\01\01|0\10\01"
add comment="" name=shoutcast regexp=\
"icy [1-5][0-9][0-9] [\t-\r -~]*(content-type:audio|icy-)"
add comment="" name=dns regexp="^.\?.\?.\?.\?[\01\02].\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?[\01-\?\
add comment="" name=quake-halflife regexp="^\FF\FF\FF\FFget(info|challenge)"
add comment="" name=poco regexp="^\80\94\
add comment="" name=ciscovpn regexp="^\01\F4\01\F4"
add comment="" name=x11 regexp="^[lb].\?\0B"
add comment="" name=xboxlive regexp="^X\80........\F3|^\06XN"
add comment="" name=applejuice regexp="^ajprot\r\
add comment="" name=zmaap regexp="^\1B\D7;H[\01\02]\01\?\01"
add comment="" name=live365 regexp=membername.*session.*player
add comment="" name=rlogin regexp=\
add comment="" name=http regexp="http/(0\\.9|1\\.0|1\\.1) [1-5][0-9][0-9] [\t-\
\r -~]*(connection:|content-type:|content-length:|date:)|post [\t-\r -~]* \
add comment="" name=sip regexp=\
"^(invite|register|cancel) sip[\t-\r -~]*sip/[0-2]\\.[0-9]"
add comment="" name=pop3 regexp="^(\\+ok |-err )"
add comment="" name=smb regexp="\FFsmb[r%]"
add comment="" name=quake1 regexp="^\80\0C\01quake\03"
add comment="" name=lpd regexp="^(\01[!-~]+|\02[!-~]+\
\n -~]*|[\03\04][!-~]+[\t-\r]+[a-z][\t-\r -~]*|\05[!-~]+[\t-\r]+([a-z][!-~\
add comment="" name=mute regexp=\
"^(Public|AES)Key: [0-9a-f]*\
add comment="" name=ssh regexp="^ssh-[12]\\.[0-9]"
add comment="" name=jabber regexp=\
"<stream:stream[\t-\r ][ -~]*[\t-\r ]xmlns=['\"]jabber"
add comment="" name=bittorrent regexp="^(\13bittorrent protocol|azver\01\$|get\
add comment="" name=ncp regexp="^(dmdt.*\01.*(\"\"|\11\11|uu)|tncp.*33)"
add comment="" name=tls regexp=\
add comment="" name=directconnect regexp="^(\\\$mynick |\\\$lock |\\\$key )"
add comment="" name=netbios regexp="\81.\?.\?.[A-P][A-P][A-P][A-P][A-P][A-P][A\
add comment="" name=tftp regexp="^(\01|\02)[ -~]*(netascii|octet|mail)"
add comment="" name=subspace regexp="^\01....\11\10........\01\$"
add comment="" name=hotline regexp="^....................TRTPHOTL\01\02"
add comment="" name=doom3 regexp="^\FF\FFchallenge"
add comment="" name=ftp regexp="^220[\t-\r -~]*ftp"
add comment="" name=kugoo regexp="^1..\8E"
add comment="" name=tsp regexp=\
"^[\01-\13\16-\$]\01.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?[ -~]+"
add comment="" name=battlefield1942 regexp="^\01\11\10\\|\F8\02\10@\06"
add comment="" name=ssdp regexp="^notify[\t-\r ]\\*[\t-\r ]http/1\\.1[\t-\r -~\
]*ssdp:(alive|byebye)|^m-search[\t-\r ]\\*[\t-\r ]http/1\\.1[\t-\r -~]*ssd\
add comment="" name=imap regexp="^(\\* ok|a[0-9]+ noop)"
add comment="" name=ares regexp="^\03[]Z].\?.\?\05\$"
add comment="" name=fasttrack regexp="^get (/.download/[ -~]*|/.supernode[ -~]\
|/.status[ -~]|/.network[ -~]*|/.files|/.hash=[0-9a-f]*/[ -~]*) http/1.1|u\
ser-agent: kazaa|x-kazaa(-username|-network|-ip|-supernodeip|-xferid|-xfer\
uid|tag)|^give [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?"
add comment="" name=qq regexp="^.\?\02.+\03\$"
add comment="" name=100bao regexp="^\01\01\05\
add comment="" name=aim regexp=\
add comment="" name=unknown regexp=.
add comment="" name=msn-filetransfer regexp=\
"^(ver [ -~]*msnftp\r\
\nver msnftp\r\
\nusr|method msnmsgr:)"
add comment="" name=yahoo regexp=\
add comment="" name=validcertssl regexp="^(.\?.\?\16\03.*\16\03|.\?.\?\01\03\
\01\?.*\0B).*(thawte|equifax secure|rsa data security, inc|verisign, inc|g\
te cybertrust root|entrust\\.net limited)"
add comment="" name=ntp regexp="^([\13\1B#\D3\DB\E3]|[\14\1C\$].......\?.\?.\?\
add comment="" name=gnucleuslan regexp=\
"gnuclear connect/[\t-\r -~]*user-agent: gnucleus [\t-\r -~]*lan:"
add comment="" name=vnc regexp="^rfb 00[1-9]\\.00[0-9]\
add comment="" name=bgp regexp=\
add comment="" name=tesla regexp="\03\9A\89\"111\\.00 Beta |\E2<i\1E\1C\E9"
add comment="" name=openft regexp="x-openftalias: [-)(0-9a-z ~.]"
add comment="" name=h323 regexp=\
add comment="" name=finger regexp=\
"^[a-z][a-z0-9\\-_]+|login: [\t-\r -~]* name: [\t-\r -~]* Directory:"
add comment="" name=ident regexp="^[1-9][0-9]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?[\t-\r]*,[\
add comment="" name=gkrellm regexp="^gkrellm [23].[0-9].[0-9]\
add comment="" name=hddtemp regexp=\
add comment="" name=socks regexp="\05[\01-\08]*\05[\01-\08]\?.*\05[\01-\03][\
add comment="" name=biff regexp="^[a-z][a-z0-9]+@[1-9][0-9]+\$"
add comment="" name=dhcp regexp="^[\01\02][\01- ]\06.*c\82sc"
add comment="" name=smtp regexp="^220[\t-\r -~]* (e\?smtp|simple mail)"
add comment="" name=ipp regexp=ipp://
add comment="" name=msnmessenger regexp="ver [0-9]+ msnp[1-9][0-9]\? [\t-\r -~\
\n\$|usr 1 [!-~]+ [0-9. ]+\r\
\n\$|ans 1 [!-~]+ [0-9. ]+\r\
add comment="" name=irc regexp="^(nick[\t-\r -~]*user[\t-\r -~]*:|user[\t-\r -\
~]*:[\02-\r -~]*nick[\t-\r -~]*\r\
add comment="" name=gopher regexp="^[\t-\r]*[1-9,+tgi][\t-\r -~]*\t[\t-\r -~]*\
add comment="" name=telnet regexp="^\FF[\FB-\FE].\FF[\FB-\FE].\FF[\FB-\FE]"
add comment="" name=snmp regexp="^\02\01\04.+([\A0-\A3]\02[\01-\04].\?.\?.\?.\
add comment="" name=nntp regexp=\
"^(20[01][\t-\r -~]*AUTHINFO USER|20[01][\t-\r -~]*news)"
add comment="" name=aimwebcontent regexp=user-agent:aim/
add comment="" name=rtsp regexp="rtsp/1.0 200 ok"
add comment="" name=skypeout regexp="^(\01.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?\01|\02.\?.\
\1E.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?\1E|\1F.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?\1F| .\?.\?.\?.\
\?.\?.\?.\?.\? |!.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?!|\".\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?\"|#.\
add comment="" name=skypetoskype regexp="^..\02............."
add comment="" name=counterstrike-source regexp=\
add comment="" name=halflife2-deathmatch regexp=\
add comment="" name=freenet regexp="^\01[\08\t][\03\04]"
add comment="" name=battlefield2 regexp="^(\11 \01...\?\11|\FE\FD.\?.\?.\?.\?.\
add comment="" name=napster regexp="^(.[\02\06][!-~]+ [!-~]+ [0-9][0-9]\?[0-9]\
\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\? \"[\t-\r -~]+\" ([0-9]|10)|1(send|get)[!-~]+ \"[\t-\r -~]\
add comment="" name=soulseek regexp=\
"^(\05..\?|.\01.[ -~]+\01F..\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?.\?)\$"
add comment="" name=xunlei regexp="^[()]...\?.\?.\?(reg|get|query)"
add comment="" name=ssl regexp=\
add comment="" name=citrix regexp="2&\85\92X"
add comment="" name=whois regexp="^[ !-~]+\r\
add comment="" name=dayofdefeat-source regexp=\
"^\FF\FF\FF\FF.*dodDay of Defeat"
add comment="" name=teamspeak regexp="^\F4\BE\03.*teamspeak"
add comment="" name=worldofwarcraft regexp="^\06\EC\01"
add comment="" name=ventrilo regexp="^..\?v\\\$\CF"
add comment="" name=http-rtsp regexp="^(get[\t-\r -~]* Accept: application/x-r\
tsp-tunnelled|http/(0\\.9|1\\.0|1\\.1) [1-5][0-9][0-9] [\t-\r -~]*a=contro\
add comment="" name=thecircle regexp=\
\n\0B](glob|who are you\$|query data)"
add comment="" name=uucp regexp="^\10here="
add comment="" name=pcanywhere regexp="^(nq|st)\$"
add comment="" name=subversion regexp="^\\( success \\( 1 2 \\("
add comment="" name=imesh regexp="^(post[\t-\r -~]*<PasswordHash>.............\
\r -~]*Host: imsh\\.download-prod\\.musicnet\\.com|\02(\01|\02)\83.\?.\?.\
add comment="" name=cimd regexp="\02[0-4][0-9]:[0-9]+.*\03\$"
add comment="" name=mohaa regexp="^\FF\FF\FF\FFgetstatus\
add comment="" name=stun regexp="^[\01\02]................\?\$"
add comment="" name=tor regexp=TOR1.*<identity>
add comment="" name=radmin regexp="^\01\01(\08\08|\1B\1B)\$"
add comment="" name=unset regexp=.
add comment="" name=chikka regexp="^CTPv1.[123] Kamusta.*\r\
add comment="" name=replaytv-ivs regexp="^(get /ivs-IVSGetFileChunk|http/(0\\.\
9|1\\.0|1\\.1) [1-5][0-9][0-9] [\t-\r -~]*#####REPLAY_CHUNK_START#####)"
add comment="" name=armagetron regexp=YCLC_E|CYEL
I though that was a problem with all kinds of operating systems, not just RouterOS? don't use the rule if it doesn't work, the rules are provided by the open source community. we are unable to fix this rule issue before the Kernel developers do itHah. I thought I am clear. Let's start with biggest problem: imesh rule (and/or others) crashes RouterOS. And I can get the QoS to work that's not the point