check your nat and firewall, are there any rules that involve port 80
if some pages work, then check if mss rules are correct and you can send big packets over your pppoe links
Yes I have lots of rules someone with port 80 but this is PPPOE packets layer 2 how IP filter can do something with PPPOE packets.
I already downgrade to 3.17 work again. This Mikrotik is simple bridge for PPPOE packets. All interfaces where pass PPPOE packets are bridged. I have other interfaces where IP traffic pass and do some routing.
https pages works, torents work only http not work. PPPOE server is on another place and Mikrotik in this place is only bridge for PPPOE packets from users without any bridge firewall rules.
I don't understand how can I filtrate something inside PPPOE packets. Any explanation ?