I solved the proble the past week, but I forget put here the solution. I'm sorry.
Now, the way I solved this.
I make a backup of the Dude and download to my PC. Then I edited the .xml with a program calle
Notepad++. I search for a reference to the used fonts in the backup and I find this line:
<sys-name>[Device.Name]\0d\0a[Device.FirstAddress]\0d\0aCPU: [oid("")]%\0d\0a\0d\0a[Device.RosVersion]</sys-name>
But with the difference that in my case the last line (the <itemFont> command) have a numeric code completely different. I search and copy the same line in another .xml backup from another Dude server that no have this problem and change this line in the problematic backup.
Al last upload the new backup tho the server, reboot, and now works fine, whit this font:
I expect that this help you to solve the problem.