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BIG! problems with Router OS 3.19 on RB133 and RB112!

Tue Jan 27, 2009 10:13 am

We have upgraded from 2.9.51 to 3.19 on our 200 CPE units and now we are in a living hell!.
the CPE is stoping some ports like port 25 and so on the only that are working is port 80 ? and this is happing after 4 days the cpu is on 100% and the only solution is to Reboot , its becoming a Dlink :-(
So what to do ??

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Re: BIG! problems with Router OS 3.19 on RB133 and RB112!

Tue Jan 27, 2009 10:40 am

some more info about our settings...
we ar using this Packages:

2 system 3.19
3 security 3.19
5 wireless 3.19
6 routerboard 3.19
7 routeros-mipsle 3.19
10 dhcp 3.19

The Export from the CPE is impossible to do its disconects...and reboots..the memory get to low...

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Re: BIG! problems with Router OS 3.19 on RB133 and RB112!

Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:40 am

Did you upgrade the firmware on each CPE at the same time?
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Re: BIG! problems with Router OS 3.19 on RB133 and RB112!

Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:41 am

Yes we used th Dude 3.1 to uppgrade....
i will be posting the Export if i sucess to export it...
we have also updated the Bios on the RB 113c and the RB112
to lates version....
Finaly i get out the Export conf. it took 10 min to get it via SSH...
XXXXXXX = removed IP and email adresses.

# jan/27/2009 10:40:16 by RouterOS 3.19

/interface ethernet
set 0 arp=enabled auto-negotiation=yes bandwidth=unlimited/unlimited comment=\
"" disabled=no full-duplex=yes mac-address=00:0C:42:15:BD:A7 master-port=\
none mtu=1500 name=ether1 speed=100Mbps
/interface wireless security-profiles
set default authentication-types="" eap-methods=passthrough group-ciphers="" \
group-key-update=5m interim-update=0s mode=none name=default \
radius-eap-accounting=no radius-mac-accounting=no \
radius-mac-authentication=no radius-mac-caching=disabled \
radius-mac-format=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX radius-mac-mode=as-username \
static-algo-0=none static-algo-1=none static-algo-2=none static-algo-3=\
none static-key-0="" static-key-1="" static-key-2="" static-key-3="" \
static-sta-private-algo=none static-sta-private-key="" \
static-transmit-key=key-0 supplicant-identity=RBNET378 tls-certificate=\
none tls-mode=no-certificates unicast-ciphers="" wpa-pre-shared-key="" \
/interface wireless
set 0 ack-timeout=dynamic adaptive-noise-immunity=none allow-sharedkey=no \
antenna-gain=0 antenna-mode=ant-a area="" arp=enabled band=2ghz-10mhz \
basic-rates-a/g=6Mbps basic-rates-b=1Mbps burst-time=disabled comment="" \
compression=yes country=sweden default-ap-tx-limit=0 \
default-authentication=yes default-client-tx-limit=0 default-forwarding=\
yes dfs-mode=none disable-running-check=no disabled=no \
disconnect-timeout=3s frame-lifetime=0 frequency=2437 frequency-mode=\
regulatory-domain hide-ssid=no hw-retries=15 mac-address=\
00:0C:42:05:D2:F9 max-station-count=2007 mode=station mtu=1500 name=wlan1 \
noise-floor-threshold=default on-fail-retry-time=100ms \
periodic-calibration=enabled periodic-calibration-interval=60 \
preamble-mode=both proprietary-extensions=post-2.9.25 radio-name=\
RBNET378|2M rate-set=default scan-list=default security-profile=default \
ssid=RBVFES station-bridge-clone-mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 \
supported-rates-a/g=6Mbps,9Mbps,12Mbps,18Mbps,24Mbps,36Mbps,48Mbps,54Mbps \
supported-rates-b=1Mbps,2Mbps,5.5Mbps,11Mbps tx-power-mode=default \
update-stats-interval=disabled wds-cost-range=50-150 wds-default-bridge=\
none wds-default-cost=100 wds-ignore-ssid=no wds-mode=disabled \
/interface wireless manual-tx-power-table
set wlan1 comment="" manual-tx-powers="1Mbps:17,2Mbps:17,5.5Mbps:17,11Mbps:17,\
/interface wireless nstreme
set wlan1 comment="" disable-csma=no enable-nstreme=yes enable-polling=yes \
framer-limit=3200 framer-policy=exact-size
/ip ipsec proposal
set default auth-algorithms=sha1 disabled=no enc-algorithms=3des lifetime=30m \
name=default pfs-group=modp1024
/ip pool
add name=pool1 ranges=
/ip dhcp-server
add address-pool=pool1 authoritative=yes bootp-support=static disabled=no \
interface=ether1 lease-time=3d name=server1
set 0 baud-rate=auto data-bits=8 flow-control=none name=serial0 parity=none \
/queue type
set default kind=pfifo name=default pfifo-limit=50
set ethernet-default kind=pfifo name=ethernet-default pfifo-limit=50
set wireless-default kind=sfq name=wireless-default sfq-allot=1514 \
set synchronous-default kind=red name=synchronous-default red-avg-packet=1000 \
red-burst=20 red-limit=60 red-max-threshold=50 red-min-threshold=10
set hotspot-default kind=sfq name=hotspot-default sfq-allot=1514 sfq-perturb=\
set default-small kind=pfifo name=default-small pfifo-limit=10
/queue simple
add burst-limit=0/0 burst-threshold=0/0 burst-time=0s/0s comment="" \
direction=both disabled=no dst-address= interface=wlan1 \
limit-at=512000/512000 max-limit=512000/512000 name=voipv2-upstream \
packet-marks=voip parent=none priority=1 queue=\
ethernet-default/ethernet-default total-queue=default-small
add burst-limit=0/0 burst-threshold=0/0 burst-time=0s/0s comment="" \
direction=both disabled=no dst-address= interface=ether1 \
limit-at=512000/512000 max-limit=512000/512000 name=voipv2-downstream \
packet-marks=voip parent=none priority=1 queue=\
ethernet-default/ethernet-default total-queue=default-small
add burst-limit=0/0 burst-threshold=0/0 burst-time=0s/0s comment="" \
direction=both disabled=no dst-address= interface=wlan1 \
limit-at=2000000/2000000 max-limit=2000000/2000000 name=httpv2-upstream \
packet-marks=http parent=none priority=2 queue=\
ethernet-default/ethernet-default total-queue=default-small
add burst-limit=0/0 burst-threshold=0/0 burst-time=0s/0s comment="" \
direction=both disabled=no dst-address= interface=ether1 \
limit-at=2000000/2000000 max-limit=2000000/2000000 name=httpv2-downstream \
packet-marks=http parent=none priority=2 queue=\
ethernet-default/ethernet-default total-queue=default-small
add burst-limit=0/0 burst-threshold=0/0 burst-time=0s/0s comment="" \
direction=both disabled=no dst-address= interface=wlan1 \
limit-at=2000000/2000000 max-limit=2000000/2000000 name=otherv2-upstream \
packet-marks=other parent=none priority=4 queue=\
ethernet-default/ethernet-default total-queue=default-small
add burst-limit=0/0 burst-threshold=0/0 burst-time=0s/0s comment="" \
direction=both disabled=no dst-address= interface=ether1 \
limit-at=2000000/2000000 max-limit=2000000/2000000 name=\
otherv2-downstream packet-marks=other parent=none priority=4 queue=\
ethernet-default/ethernet-default total-queue=default-small
add burst-limit=0/0 burst-threshold=0/0 burst-time=0s/0s comment="" \
direction=both disabled=no dst-address= interface=wlan1 \
limit-at=2000000/2000000 max-limit=2000000/2000000 name=p2pv2-upstream \
packet-marks=p2p parent=none priority=8 queue=\
ethernet-default/ethernet-default total-queue=default-small
add burst-limit=0/0 burst-threshold=0/0 burst-time=0s/0s comment="" \
direction=both disabled=no dst-address= interface=ether1 \
limit-at=2000000/2000000 max-limit=2000000/2000000 name=p2pv2-downstream \
packet-marks=p2p parent=none priority=8 queue=\
ethernet-default/ethernet-default total-queue=default-small
set enabled=yes engine-boots=4 engine-id="" location=\
kund time-window=0 trap-sink= trap-version=1
/snmp community
set client address= authentication-password="" \
authentication-protocol=MD5 encryption-password="" encryption-protocol=\
DES name=client read-access=yes security=none write-access=no
/system logging action
set memory memory-lines=100 memory-stop-on-full=no name=memory target=memory
set disk disk-lines=100 disk-stop-on-full=no name=disk target=disk
set echo name=echo remember=yes target=echo
set remote name=remote remote=xxxxxxx:514 target=remote
/system routerboard settings
set baud-rate=115200 boot-delay=2s boot-device=nand-if-fail-then-ethernet \
boot-protocol=bootp cpu-frequency=175MHz cpu-mode=power-save \
enable-jumper-reset=yes enter-setup-on=any-key
set baud-rate=115200 boot-delay=2s boot-device=nand-if-fail-then-ethernet \
boot-protocol=bootp cpu-frequency=175MHz cpu-mode=power-save \
enable-jumper-reset=yes enter-setup-on=any-key
/user group
add name=read policy="local,telnet,ssh,reboot,read,test,winbox,password,web,sn\
add name=write policy="local,telnet,ssh,reboot,read,write,test,winbox,password\
add name=full policy="local,telnet,ssh,ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbo\
/interface bridge settings
set use-ip-firewall=no use-ip-firewall-for-vlan=no
/interface ethernet mirror
set mirror-port=none source-port=none
/interface wireless align
set active-mode=yes audio-max=-20 audio-min=-100 audio-monitor=\
00:00:00:00:00:00 filter-mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 frame-size=300 \
frames-per-second=25 receive-all=no ssid-all=no
/interface wireless sniffer
set channel-time=200ms file-limit=10 file-name="" memory-limit=10 \
multiple-channels=no only-headers=no receive-errors=no streaming-enabled=\
no streaming-max-rate=0 streaming-server=
/interface wireless snooper
set channel-time=200ms multiple-channels=yes receive-errors=no
/ip accounting
set account-local-traffic=no enabled=no threshold=256
/ip accounting web-access
set accessible-via-web=no address=
/ip address
add address= broadcast= comment="" disabled=no \
interface=ether1 network=
/ip dhcp-client
add add-default-route=yes comment="" default-route-distance=0 disabled=no \
interface=wlan1 use-peer-dns=yes use-peer-ntp=yes
/ip dhcp-server config
set store-leases-disk=5m
/ip dhcp-server network
add address= comment="" dns-server=, \
gateway= netmask=24
/ip dns
set allow-remote-requests=no cache-max-ttl=1w cache-size=2048KiB \
max-udp-packet-size=512 primary-dns= secondary-dns=
/ip dns static
add address= disabled=no ttl=1d
/ip firewall address-list
add address= comment="" disabled=no list=SIPSERVERS
add address= comment="" disabled=no list=SIPSERVERS
add address= comment="" disabled=no list=SIPSERVERS
add address= comment="" disabled=no list=SIPSERVERS
add address= comment="" disabled=no list=MGMT
/ip firewall connection tracking
set enabled=yes generic-timeout=10m icmp-timeout=10s tcp-close-timeout=10s \
tcp-close-wait-timeout=10s tcp-established-timeout=1d \
tcp-fin-wait-timeout=10s tcp-last-ack-timeout=10s \
tcp-syn-received-timeout=5s tcp-syn-sent-timeout=5s tcp-syncookie=no \
tcp-time-wait-timeout=10s udp-stream-timeout=3m udp-timeout=10s
/ip firewall filter
add action=accept chain=input comment=\
"Allow mgmt traffic from chosen networks" disabled=no dst-port=20 \
protocol=tcp src-address-list=MGMT
add action=accept chain=input comment="" disabled=no dst-port=21 protocol=tcp \
add action=accept chain=input comment="" disabled=no dst-port=22 protocol=tcp \
add action=accept chain=input comment="" disabled=no dst-port=23 protocol=tcp \
add action=accept chain=input comment="" disabled=no dst-port=80 protocol=tcp \
add action=accept chain=input comment="" disabled=no dst-port=8291 protocol=\
tcp src-address-list=MGMT
add action=drop chain=input comment="Drop all unwanted mgmt traffic" \
disabled=no dst-port=20 protocol=tcp
add action=drop chain=input comment="" disabled=no dst-port=21 protocol=tcp
add action=drop chain=input comment="" disabled=no dst-port=22 protocol=tcp
add action=drop chain=input comment="" disabled=no dst-port=23 protocol=tcp
add action=drop chain=input comment="" disabled=no dst-port=80 protocol=tcp
/ip firewall mangle
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address-list=\
SIPSERVERS new-packet-mark=voip passthrough=no src-address=
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-address=\ new-packet-mark=voip passthrough=no src-address-list=SIPSERVERS
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-port=80 \
new-packet-mark=http passthrough=no protocol=tcp
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="" disabled=no new-packet-mark=\
http passthrough=no protocol=tcp src-port=80
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-port=443 \
new-packet-mark=http passthrough=no protocol=tcp
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="" disabled=no new-packet-mark=\
http passthrough=no protocol=tcp src-port=443
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-port=53 \
new-packet-mark=http passthrough=no protocol=tcp
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="" disabled=no new-packet-mark=\
http passthrough=no protocol=tcp src-port=53
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="" disabled=no dst-port=53 \
new-packet-mark=http passthrough=no protocol=udp
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="" disabled=no new-packet-mark=\
http passthrough=no protocol=udp src-port=53
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="" disabled=no new-packet-mark=\
p2p p2p=all-p2p passthrough=no
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="" disabled=no new-packet-mark=\
other passthrough=no
/ip firewall nat
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade hotspot network" \
disabled=no src-address=
/ip firewall service-port
set ftp disabled=no ports=21
set tftp disabled=no ports=69
set irc disabled=no ports=6667
set h323 disabled=no
set sip disabled=no ports=5060,5061
set pptp disabled=no
/ip neighbor discovery
set ether1 discover=yes
set wlan1 discover=yes
/ip proxy
set always-from-cache=no cache-administrator=webmaster cache-hit-dscp=4 \
cache-on-disk=no enabled=no max-cache-size=none max-client-connections=\
600 max-fresh-time=3d max-server-connections=600 parent-proxy= \
parent-proxy-port=0 port=8080 serialize-connections=no src-address=\
"#error exporting //ip proxy access"
"#error exporting //ip proxy cache"
"#error exporting //ip proxy direct"
/ip service
set telnet address= disabled=no port=23
set ftp address= disabled=no port=21
set www address= disabled=no port=80
set ssh address= disabled=no port=22
set www-ssl address= certificate=none disabled=yes port=443
set api address= disabled=yes port=8728
set winbox address= disabled=no port=8291
/ip socks
set connection-idle-timeout=2m enabled=no max-connections=200 port=1080
"#error exporting //ip socks access"
/ip traffic-flow
set active-flow-timeout=30m cache-entries=4k enabled=no \
inactive-flow-timeout=15s interfaces=all
/ip upnp
set allow-disable-external-interface=yes enabled=no show-dummy-rule=yes
"#error exporting //ip upnp interfaces"
/queue interface
set ether1 queue=ethernet-default
set wlan1 queue=wireless-default
"#error exporting //radius"
/radius incoming
set accept=no port=3799
add comment="" disabled=no disk=system name=web-proxy1 type=web-proxy
/system clock manual
set dst-delta=+00:00 dst-end="jan/01/1970 00:00:00" dst-start=\
"jan/01/1970 00:00:00" time-zone=+00:00
/system console
add disabled=no port=serial0 term=vt102
/system health
set fan-mode=auto use-fan=main
/system identity
set name=RBNET378
/system logging
add action=memory disabled=yes prefix="" topics=info
add action=memory disabled=yes prefix="" topics=error
add action=memory disabled=yes prefix="" topics=warning
add action=echo disabled=yes prefix="" topics=critical
/system note
set note="" show-at-login=yes
/system ntp client
set enabled=yes mode=unicast primary-ntp= secondary-ntp=\
/system scheduler
add comment="" disabled=no interval=0s name=report_schedule_startup on-event=\
report start-time=startup
add comment="" disabled=no interval=1h name=report_schedule on-event=report \
start-date=jan/01/1970 start-time=00:00:00
/system script
add name=report policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbox,password \
source="; :delay 120s;/ip address print; /interface wireless registration-\
table print; /tool e-mail send to=\"XXXXXXXXXX\" subject=([/interface\
wireless get wlan1 radio-name] . \" Report \" . [/system clock get date])\
from=XXXXXXXX server= body=(\"<CID>\" . [/interface wi\
reless get wlan1 radio-name] . \"</CID><IP>\" . [/ip address get [/ip addr\
ess find interface=wlan1] address] . \"</IP><SSID>\" . [/interface wireles\
s get wlan1 ssid] . \"</SSID><SIG>\" . [/interface wireless registration-t\
able get[/interface wireless registration-table find interface=wlan1] sign\
al-strength] . \"</SIG><SOFTWARE>\" . [/system resource get version] . \"<\
/SOFTWARE>\"); :log info (\"Reported to main-server at \" . [/sys cl get \
time] . \" \" . [/sys cl get date])"
"#error exporting //system upgrade"
/system upgrade mirror
set check-interval=1d enabled=no primary-server= secondary-server=\ user=""
/system watchdog
set auto-send-supout=no automatic-supout=no no-ping-delay=5m watch-address=\
none watchdog-timer=yes
/tool bandwidth-server
set allocate-udp-ports-from=2000 authenticate=yes enabled=yes max-sessions=10
/tool e-mail
set from=<> server=
/tool graphing
set store-every=5min
"#error exporting //tool graphing interface"
"#error exporting //tool graphing queue"
/tool mac-server
add disabled=no interface=all
/tool mac-server ping
set enabled=yes
/tool sniffer
set file-limit=10 file-name="" filter-address1= \
filter-address2= filter-protocol=ip-only filter-stream=\
yes interface=all memory-limit=10 only-headers=no streaming-enabled=no \
/user aaa
set accounting=yes default-group=read interim-update=0s use-radius=no
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Re: BIG! problems with Router OS 3.19 on RB133 and RB112!

Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:32 pm

Some more findings ... and now we have 4.1 Mb ram for use :-)

Now we are using only this packages:

2 system 3.19
5 wireless 3.19
6 routerboard 3.19
7 routeros-mipsle 3.19
10 dhcp 3.19

And we disable folowing services:
www under IP services
Logging services
Btest server

I hope this will fix our problems....or ?

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Re: BIG! problems with Router OS 3.19 on RB133 and RB112!

Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:53 pm

We will now use our tool for puting out scripts on our 200 CPE units that are failing now..
with the above changes. and i hope it will fix the problems.
Stay tuned
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Re: BIG! problems with Router OS 3.19 on RB133 and RB112!

Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:45 pm

I was thinking about upgrading some older 100 series boards. How did everything work out for you? Any tips to doing the upgrades that will make it successful?
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Re: BIG! problems with Router OS 3.19 on RB133 and RB112!

Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:41 pm

I stick to 2.9.51 on the older boards. I've never had much luck running v3 on them at all.
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Re: BIG! problems with Router OS 3.19 on RB133 and RB112!

Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:19 pm

stick to 2.9.xx for RB100 series. You should try on a few first, not on 200...and ofcourse you shold read on the forum thar RB1xx it's too weak for v.3xx
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Re: BIG! problems with Router OS 3.19 on RB133 and RB112!

Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:17 pm

Hi all Ok, but Mikrotik was delivering the RB133 cards with 3.x on it ....
and yes i know the cards are low on CPU and memmory but hey they have to get it to work,
But i have now have the cards running with 3.19 for 8 -10 days know with no hassel at all, and we can delivery around 8 Mbits to the customers.

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Re: BIG! problems with Router OS 3.19 on RB133 and RB112!

Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:23 pm

Inox>> Yes i know to test on a few CPE units first i always do that, But her is the problem, the ones we tested on was working...not fast , but it was working ,
The scary part is the RB112 cards they go dead if you are unlucky, thats the problem , we will be bringing a few of this broken cards to the MUM :-) so Normis or Tully will get the cards.
So i hope they investigate the botom line of this problem.
I need to use the 3.x software we are using the API to get the user info about SNR signal and other information for aligning the antennas.

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Re: BIG! problems with Router OS 3.19 on RB133 and RB112!

Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:30 pm

I'm successfully running ROS 3.19 on RB133s
Make sure you upgrade the firmware too with
/system routerboard upgrade
And of course disable all the services and packages you don't need.
Edit: I'm able to upgrade from 2.9.x to 3.1x remotely too without big issues. Avoid Package disabling/enabling while upgrading and don't use the "Downgrade" button but just reboot the system once the package is uploaded
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Re: BIG! problems with Router OS 3.19 on RB133 and RB112!

Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:33 pm

Yes , Thats true, we are now using only the System, Routerboard, wireless and the DHCP pakages. then it works , we even disable the BT test server and SNMP server.
after that we have 4.2 Mb ram left in system memmory.

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Re: BIG! problems with Router OS 3.19 on RB133 and RB112!

Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:09 pm

More cents...
I have had a RB112 running 2.?? then eventually 2.9.51, then upgraded to the 3.X, right now it is running 3.19 and i have no issues at all.

Its in a WDS bridge to an AP, 532A with XR5. ( 112 has... I forgot what kind of wireless, its been years. either a cm9 or a r52h)

My link is so poor, you guys would laugh, its at -78 and a CCQ of like 60%. occasionally goes to 80. link is 4KM, I think the tall trees MUST be the problem :-)

I did however notice there was a real slowdown of the response of the board in early 3.X versions.

I get 11 - 12 Mbit TCP either way on this link. Umm yeah, with that bad of signal I am impressed.

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