They are still working on it... They just emailed me yesterday asking for a more detailed log of the events during the occurence of the problem, which I was just able to capture and send them. I guess it will be Monday before they get it, though, since it is the weekend there....
I have been able to significantly reduce the occurance of this problem by assigning static IP addresses to each client through AAA while still allowing only one connection per MAC address, and starting to carefully watch for clients that have lost good signal quality so I can stop the sudden radio connects/disconnects before they create the non-removable phantom PPP connection.....
I've been hoping that, at least in the interim, they would have been able to tell me of a way to manually kill the bad connection without rebooting, but after asking 3 times in various emails, they would only answer the other questions in the emails, and not even acknowledge that I had even asked the question about manually killing the connection in the first place...