I'm not telling him to remove masquerading, I'm telling him to try whether it'll work without Linksys or not, nothing else. If it won't he must configure Linksys properly.
You did say to remove masquerading in your Tue Jun 21, 2005 2:24 am post when you wrote "seems like you need to disable/remove rule #1" When asked for clarification, your Wed Jun 22, 2005 6:34 am post added, "With this rule enabled your other clients will not get VoIP working."
If all you meant is exactly what you said in the Wed Jun 22, 2005 6:34 am post, that the non-1:1 natted users won't have VoIP, fine.
I think the OP understands that the non-1:1 natted users won't have as many options available to them. I think that is the OPs goal. Conserve IP space, and make people pay for added features, if they need them.
But all of that has little to do with the OPs issue of why a customer who had a Linksys router was working 100% with VoIP before, but after going to 1:1 nat in the MikroTik router, that customer stopped being able to do VoIP.
Since the Linksys allowed VoIP before, I do not think it mysteriously stopped passing VoIP. But I do agree it is well worth bypassing the Linksys.
If things work fine w/o the Linksys, then the problem is somewhere in that unit. If the problems continue without the Linksys, then they are somewhere else. Process of elimination.
But by saying, "seems like you need to disable/remove rule #1" in a reply to the topic, with no original explanation as to why, and little later explanation, you simply confuse the issue. This is because it seems like you are saying that removing masquerading will address the OPs issue.