help me iam working on os3.22 on hotspot with meduim network from time to time found limitation on pc evry 30 or over this time this limtation stay between 15-30 min and pc back to work again by itself
this is first problem and i could not the reason of this limitation on pc
about configuration iam with dhcp and web proxy and and easy step of firewall and in same time i configure cach by lan speed and stop some sex websites and in mangle i stop some virus this is all my configuration but found lmitations on pc
and i met other problem it is about network path i work with nas and file sharing one from winxp pc and other one on freenas but from time to time the streaming server could not work and give me message about network path
i forget to tell you i have mikrotik pc hp with cpu 3.2 cach 2 mg path 800 with 2 lan cards on dlink 100/100 and on board lan card broadcom 100/1000 too and my lan speed and switches is 10/100
what i can do and how know the problem come from any one help me
thanks so much