Hi guys,
I´m From brazil.
I have a PHP script in PHP, above, one line:
passthru("$sshpass -p $srv_mkt_pwd ssh sagu-pro@$srv_mkt_ip \"/ip address print without-paging ; /ip address remove '$ips' \" ");
This is a part of script, the variable '$ips' is the name of the ARP, example 105-Markux-James
This line send to mikrotik:
/ip address remove 105-Markux-James
But, the caracter - in the line, is going RED and mikrotik show a error
[admin@SVNET] > /ip arp remove 105-
expected end of command (line 1 column 20)
The only way is type:
/ip address remove "105-Markux-James"
In PHP i dont now how to send " " inside de line. If i do, the PHP show a ERROR.
The Mikrotik is version 3.23
thnks in advance