Send mail via server which require SMTP authentication
Dude - Email notifications through Gmail on Windows - via mailsend
Dude v6 - SMS notifications
1. Stunnel
2. Blat
3. Dude server on windows machine
4. Gmail account
Setup instruction
1. Download and install stunnel
2. Create the following stunnel.conf (please backup original file and create this file from scratch)
socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1
socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1
;debug = 7
;output = stunnel.log
client = yes
accept = 995
connect =
accept = 465
connect =
3. Install stunnel as service:
"C:\Program Files\stunnel\stunnel.exe" -install
Start --> All Programms --> stunnel --> stunnel Service Install
4. Download blat and unpack 2 files, blat.dll, blat.exe in C:\Program Files\Dude\blat directory or other directory.
5. In directory from p.2 create emailblat.cmd file with the following content
:: Send email notifications from Dude via Gmail
set blatdir=C:\Program Files\Dude\blat
set smtpserver=
set smtpport=465
set smtpuser=username
set smtppwd=*********
"%blatdir%\blat.exe" -to %mailto% -f %smtpsender% -server %smtpserver% -port %smtpport% -u %smtpuser% -pw %smtppwd% -subject %1 -body %2
:: Uncomment for debug only (Comment previous line. Do not forget to return back after debugging!!!)
::"%blatdir%\blat.exe" -to %mailto% -f %smtpsender% -server %smtpserver% -port %smtpport% -u %smtpuser% -pw %smtppwd% -subject "Test subject" -body "Test body" -debug -log emailbtal.log
:: pause
For debugging, uncomnent appropriate line, and comment previous - then start emailblat.cmd without parameters. And do not forget to return back after debugging!!!
6. Create new Notification
Name: Email-blat
Type: execute on server
"C:\Program Files\Dude\blat\emailblat.cmd" "Service [Probe.Name] on [Device.Name] is now [Service.Status]" "Service [Probe.Name] on [Device.Name] is now [Service.Status] ([Service.ProblemDescription])"
7. Now you can use it: