Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to manage two user groups I have who will either have access to eg. A category of Websites or not have access...
Easiest explanation: Group A on my Lan will have free and open and Unshaped access to the Web,
Group B can not open Porn, YouTube, Rapidshare... and P2P (They are there to work!!!)
This is not Time or Schedule based, its a case of Group B will for instance be School Kids, and Group A are the teachers/Admin Staff. (kinky buggers )
Currently I have a Linux Box with Suse/Squid/squidGuard running, but the squidGuard Whitelist/Blacklist thing is not working as it should, so if I can just do the sorting and Allow/Deny bit on the RB with Mikrotik, I will be sooooo happy
I hope I explained my situation enough so that I don't need to put into Questions what I'm trying to do... Please could someone direct me to the correct terminology if there's already a way of doing this explained somewhere...
I pretty much refuse to ask: Can this be done? 'cause then some Smarty will just reply with a Yes it can
Thanx PPL