i mean look at the
red word
/ip proxy access
add action=deny comment=1 disabled=no path=*.exe
add action=deny comment=1 disabled=no path=*.rar
add action=deny comment=1 disabled=no path=*.zip
add action=deny comment=1 disabled=no path=*.mp3
add action=deny comment="" disabled=no path=*.wav
/system scheduler
add comment="" disabled=no interval=5m name="disable download" on-event=":if ([\
:len [/interface
wireless reg find]] >=20) do={/ip proxy access enable [/ip\
proxy access find comment=1]\r\
\n}" start-time=startup
add comment="" disabled=no interval=5m2s name="enable download" on-event=":if (\
[:len [/interface
wireless reg find]]<=19) do={/ip proxy access disable [/i\
p proxy access find comment=1]\r\
\n}" start-time=startup
this script mean if the router find the client >=20 online client enable the rule.
deny any request to download any file Consists of (.exe .rar .zip .wave .mp3)
from the internet
but the http is working normal
and if the client <=19 disable the rule
the rule is
/ip proxy access
add action=deny comment=1 disabled=no path=*.exe
add action=deny comment=1 disabled=no path=*.rar
add action=deny comment=1 disabled=no path=*.zip
add action=deny comment=1 disabled=no path=*.mp3
add action=deny comment="" disabled=no path=*.wav
if you dont understand me
i need script if the router find the client over 20 client enable the rule
its make deny to path exe rar zip mp3 wav
/ip proxy access
add action=deny comment=1 disabled=no path=*.exe
add action=deny comment=1 disabled=no path=*.rar
add action=deny comment=1 disabled=no path=*.zip
add action=deny comment=1 disabled=no path=*.mp3
add action=deny comment="" disabled=no path=*.wav
and if the client lees than 19 online client disable the proxy rule
i work at 3.13 and i have Lan network
2 interface
number 1 the name of it Lan its for switch
number 2 the name of it Wan its for internet
in the end i hope you can help me !!!
and very very very very thanks! mr Chupaka