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RouterOS Dude won't restore backup...?

Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:36 am

At least the web server is working in this version... Now the bigger problem (which I didn't have before with 3.1 that I can remember).

I tried taking a backup of our Windows-based Dude and restoring it on both an RB1000 and RB433AH board with Dude, and on both platforms the backup is taken, but then the Dude service never comes back up. This includes the web service and the standard Dude service. The CPU load on both boards locks at 100%.

Both of these have 2 gig cards (RB1000 has a 2 gig CF card, RB433AH has a 2 gig MicroSD), stores are set up correctly, and the backup was pulled from a 3.1, and also a 3.2 Dude server with the same config. The backup file size is just over 50 megabytes, and does contain a large number of devices, however I would expect at the RB1000 should have processed that config within the hour that I have given it to work.

I am continuing to let these sit, and maybe they will work, but I'd like to know if anybody else has had this problem so far, and if so, make sure it's reported to the developers.
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Re: RouterOS Dude won't restore backup...?

Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:53 am

Okay, I take back the earlier comment. It did end up restoring.

2 hours later the backup was restored to the RB1000 and started probing devices. It was amazing that it eventually started working. The RB433AH started rebooting on its own for no reason -- maybe the CPU was getting too hot? It continued at 100% CPU until I finally shut it down.

And the Dude performance on the RB1000 was hideous. It's official -- Dude 3.2 works better on a P4 2.4GHz (and even a P3 1GHz for that matter) than it appears to on Routerboard/Non-x86 hardware.
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Re: RouterOS Dude won't restore backup...?

Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:20 am

can you write to support about the performance issues ?
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Re: RouterOS Dude won't restore backup...?

Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:41 am

dfwair. I tried same thing and ran into same issues. Saw CPU sitting at 100%. once dude is removed works fine. Post back if you see anything.
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Re: RouterOS Dude won't restore backup...?

Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:08 am

Same problem here

8Mb export file

CPU sits and 100% and board reboots randomly. Been going for 30 mins now

I did try this import before I had the SD card to the Nand, same high CPU but import completed in a few minutes