EDIT: http://www.dysan.net/Perl/lg.php -- Original script.
You put a file named monitor.passwd in your etc directory....
/ip dhcp-server lease print
ssh-cmd txtfile.txt
and it should send all the commands in txtfile.txt to the router! I am successfully using this script to take all the static ip address entries in my mysql db (30-40 er so) and pull them into the mikrotik's dhcp server. It works great!
# by Ian Redden (c) 2005
# Purpose: to get info off of a router for looking glass.
use Expect;
$ssh = "/usr/bin/ssh";
$router = "$ARGV[0]";
$txtfile = "$ARGV[1]";
#-get username/password
while (<PS>) {
($usernm,$pass) = split(/\|\|/, $_);
$command = "$ssh -l $usernm $router";
#-connect to router.
$ssh = Expect->spawn("$command");
#-check to see if dsa authenticity question appears
if ($ssh->expect(2, "yes/no")) {
print $ssh "yes\r";
#-send password.
if ($ssh->expect(undef, "password:")) {
print $ssh "$pass\r";
#-send command.
open( FILE, "< $txtfile" ) or die;
if ($ssh->expect(undef, ">")) {
while ($cmd = <FILE>) {
print $ssh "$cmd\r";
$ssh->expect(undef, ">");
close FILE;
print $ssh "/quit\r";