I know the 450G high temperature issue has been discussed before. My experience is yes it runs hot - but seems operationally stable. According to the routerboard (you can telnet in to the temperature sensor) it runs at a consistent 70 to 71C. It is in a rack in an air conditioned room.
I see no temperature specs for the 450G - but Mikrotik products that do have temperature specs (like the mini pci cards) state a max operational temp of 70C.
I've just ordered a Sandisk 8GB MicroSDHC card (one of the ones on the Mikrotik Wiki list that tested OK). Here is the problem - its technical specs state:
Operating temperature: 0 to 60 C
So just putting the MicroSCHC card in the unit it will put it above the operating temp specs.
Which brings me back to the 450G and its operation. It operates fine so far - but will a unit running at 70C 24 hours a day last? This just seems too hot - like this is asking for trouble. Add to the heat issue - that a MicroSDHc card may not survive the hot 450G operation.
Ideas? Thoughts?