Hi..... i just got a little problem, and till now it hasn't been solved. Before i try Xen @ MT 3.25, i mean doing an instalation, all queue in simple queue worked fine, but after the next day i reboot my PC MT, all the queue didn't work included the HotSpot even in the simple queue the limiter already set but still it didn't work. 1st time i thought thiz must be a bug, then i downgrading to 3.24, hell yeah still the same, limiter didn't worked.
After trial & error several times, i decided the real problem is the XEN, after i disabled it everything works fine till now, unfortunately i can't make some trial & error using XEN for my "idea" implementing to cut cost of PC Server. Then, the question is.... is it true that XEN makes the simple queue didn't work? well, before i decide thiz problem lay on the XEN, i try queue TREE... and It's Works FINE no problem at all. So, is it a BUG? or something else?