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MLPPP With Cisco 7200 PPPoE Server & Mikrotik Client

Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:32 pm

Hello :)

Is there any chance of getting server-side MLPPPoE implemented?
We had to use a Cisco 7200 Router for PPPoE termination because RouterOS does not support MLPPP on the server side :(

Since it is already working pretty well client-side, I suppose it might only be a small step towards a MLPPPoE server?
I have seen a few posts about doing MLPPPoE with Cisco routers as the access concentrator. I would LOVE to be able to do this! However, I have never been able to get a response from any poster with configuration notes :(

Please, if anybody has implemented this, I would like to know how you configured your Cisco router to support MLPPPoE!
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Re: MLPPP With Cisco 7200 PPPoE Server & Mikrotik Client

Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:32 am

One of the first search results in google ... #wp1643787
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Re: MLPPP With Cisco 7200 PPPoE Server & Mikrotik Client

Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:06 pm

Any information on the plans for implementing MLPPP server side on MT?
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Re: MLPPP With Cisco 7200 PPPoE Server & Mikrotik Client

Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:57 pm

Any information on the plans for implementing MLPPP server side on MT?
I don't know... but I'm STILL trying to figure out how to make my 7206VXR do this...

Right now I'm set up with this on the Cisco side, but it is NOT working:
vc-class atm mlpppoe
  encapsulation aal5mux ppp Virtual-Template2
interface Virtual-Template2
 no ip address
 peer default ip address pool mypool
 ppp authentication pap
 ppp multilink
 no clns route-cache
interface ATM6/0.257 point-to-point
 description DSL Test Line #1
 no ip route-cache
 class-int mlpppoe
 pvc dsl-2057 2/57
  encapsulation aal5snap
  protocol pppoe
interface ATM6/0.264 point-to-point
 description DSL Test Line #2
 no ip route-cache
 class-int mlpppoe
 pvc dsl-2064 2/64
  encapsulation aal5snap
  protocol pppoe
But I can only get one active link on the Mikrotik side :|
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Re: MLPPP With Cisco 7200 PPPoE Server & Mikrotik Client

Wed Dec 23, 2009 12:07 am

Have you found a solution to this yet? I would like to work with you on this issue since I also have a 7206vxr.
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Re: MLPPP With Cisco 7200 PPPoE Server & Mikrotik Client

Wed Dec 23, 2009 12:11 am

I haven't been able to get it to work yet :(
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Re: MLPPP With Cisco 7200 PPPoE Server & Mikrotik Client

Sun May 02, 2010 11:01 am

any new newas about mlppp server side on MT?
5.x could be a good opportunity

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Re: MLPPP With Cisco 7200 PPPoE Server & Mikrotik Client

Sun May 02, 2010 11:55 am

I doubt this can be done, as there is no free and reliable implementation of MLPPP server on linux to my knowledge.

All efforts will go to MPLS and IPv6 now, moving from ATM over xDSL, PDH and SDH to MPLS over Ethernet.

Providers here begin to use MPLS over Ethernet fiber links for Datacenters interconnections. So there is no doubt that this technology will progressively replace PDH / SDH and ATM, because of simplicity, efficiency and cost.

To give an example, in France, our most advanced ADSL provider (FREE) does not use PPP at all since more than 4 years. All ADSL links are delivered with IP over ATM (IPoA) traffic.

ATM is still needed on ADSL links for Multiplay offers, because IP QoS is not efficient enough on slow links to get the job done because of the Frame size of 1500 bytes.

But as soon as FTTH will be here for everyone, ATM and PPP will become something of the past. This should be done in France for 2012-2013.

Because of this, there are few chances that a free MLPPP server will become a mature project one day, except if an active community decide to do it for the fun or to satisfy a quite small need that will become smaller and smaller.

Optical fiber, FTTH, will definitely kill PPP technologies in a couple of years. xDSL and copper will certainely be an obsolete technology in about 5 years, at least for America, Europe and Australia continents. To much problems with copper (EMI and cost).