Hello everybody!
My MT has 2 WAN interfaces and 4 LANS. One of the WAN interfaces has a dedicated+3 Static Ip internet service and the other is a simple ADSL service. All of the 4 lans are configured with routing marks+policy routing to use one or another internet service (no ECMP, not interested in this and I've read about routing tables flushes). The issue I am dealing with is that I want to dst nat some ports from the dedicated internet services to specific computers on the lans. Due to routing marks I can only connect (make dstnat work) from the outside when the computer is in the routing mark (default gateway) of the same internet service, in this case the dedicated service. When I try to reach a device which leaves trought de ADSL it will never connect. Is there any way to mark inbound connections and tell them to leave the same gateway they come from??
Tried mangle->input interface->mark conn then mangle->output interface->input conn mark->mark routing and added the corresponding default gateway for the mark, without luck.
I've been reading lots of posts here in the forum and I can't get my config to work as I want.
What am I missing?
Thanks in advance