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A few requests

Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:46 pm


I do have quite a few requests, so I'm not sure if it's best to detail them in different posts or not.

Anyway, here is the list:

1. To be able to keep settings such as "inline comments", "show categories" and displayed columns saved somehow.
2. To be able to do continuous traceroutes with min. av. max. and current displayed for each hop - like MTR / WinMTR.
3. To be able to specify host names in address lists instead of just IP addresses - this would make things easier for when IP addresses change without our knowledge. In other words to perform DNS on address lists.
4. When pinging or tracing a route to a hostname, for the DNS resolution to be done on the MK router itself (using IP DNS settings) instead of using the PCs DNS settings, as this would test that the router's DNS settings are working.
5. To be able to reset the MAC address of wireless cards without having to reset the entire wireless settings and therefore requiring a visit for remote wireless connections. Either that or a way to see the original hardware MAC address of wireless cards.
6. Some way to see which clients are using how much bandwidth - not sure how this could be done, but it would be extremely useful.
7. Additions to what data is available via SNMP:
a) To be able to retireve tx signal strength.
b) To be able to retrieve signal quality (both rx and tx).
c) To be able to retrieve signal noise (both rx and tx).
d) To be able to retrieve the number of current firewall connections.
8. To be able to once again see comments when using the API. This is already apparently booked to be updated in 3.x, but it didn't happen in 3.27.

I know that is a lot of requests, but I believe they would all benefit us and probably others significantly.

Cheers - Lawrence
Topic Author
Posts: 33
Joined: Wed Dec 13, 2006 2:07 pm
Location: Spain

Re: A few requests

Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:48 pm

Sorry - I thought I was posting this to the BETA forum - not sure how it got here - can a moderator move it?
