Cmit, it is very kind of you if you would like to spend your time and share your knowledge writing this small automatic login program.
I'm sure this small program will be very usefull to many hotspot user.
Why do we need this automatic login program:
1. Sometime, actually there is no need to open web browser, we just want to send email or use mirc. This mikrotic login procedure force us to open web browser just to do the login.
2. Sometime, we use wireless hotspot connection for our internal internet sharing (wingate/winroute). This internet sharing server should run automatically without user intervension. But this login procedure force the user to open web browser, do the login manually. Every morning, someone has to turn on the server, wait the windows start, open browser, do the login. This can take 10 minutes.
3. Sometime, we don' want to see the ISP login page.
4. Almost all of us prefer doing things automatically than manually typing. Double clicks (or even no click) compared to type manually?
5. Anybody help me to convince Cmit?
Lastguru, I have tried to telnet to port 80 of the ISP router, and then /GET /login.htm, it return the page, but I cannot find the 'challenge string'.
But when I'm doing the login via web browser, when the browser displaying login screen, and I view the source page. I can see the challenge string. Is there any difference? Why?
Thanks a lot.