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automatic hotspot loggin via mac not working

Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:27 pm

I set a mac address in the user accounts but they still get the loggin page, as far as i understand that is exactly what the documentation says to do?!?

name="hsprof1" hotspot-address= dns-name=""
html-directory=hotspot1 rate-limit="" http-proxy=
smtp-server= login-by=mac,cookie,http-chap,http-pap,trial
mac-auth-password="" http-cookie-lifetime=3d split-user-domain=no
trial-uptime=2h/1d trial-user-profile=wire32/32 use-radius=no

print detail
name="edwin" password="" mac-address=00:18:02:60:35:F3 profile=wire128/25>
uptime=4h6s bytes-in=8763553 bytes-out=97107940 packets-in=83670
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Re: automatic hotspot loggin via mac not working

Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:39 pm

I'm a little unclear on what you are trying to do - are you trying to automatically log in a user with the MAC address as the username and a predefined password (so that authentication happens, but is transparent for the user), or are you trying to make it so that a machine with that MAC address does not have to authenticate?

If the latter, you wouldn't configure a "/ip hotspot user" with a MAC address defined, as that would simply enforce that the username/password can only used from that source MAC address. Instead you would configure something like
/ip hotspot ip-binding mac-address=aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff type=bypassed
to bypass authentication for that MAC.

If the former, you'd want to edit the relevant hotspot HTML pages and cause a page refresh towards /login with the username populated via the $(mac-address) variable.

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Re: automatic hotspot loggin via mac not working

Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:25 am

ah i understand now thank you!!

i want it transparent for the user while using the user settings eg bandwidth limit
the login page still does not work quiet right so ill try to fix that first, it doest refresh and looks like it has something to do with dns the problem apeared after i upgrated to 3.28 and using openDNS

kind regards