I created a package file with the routeros, downloaded it via ftp and imported it to wireshark. i get wired error corrupt file errors. i tryed a few other programs and get the same result.
the changelog for 3.0beta7 states that: fixed wireless sniffer file format;
i have an rb433 with the newest routeros version installed (i think)
[admin@MikroTik] /system package> print
Flags: X - disabled
0 X routing-test 3.28
1 dhcp 3.28
2 X ipv6 3.28
3 system 3.28
4 advanced-tools 3.28
5 routing 3.28
6 hotspot 3.28
7 security 3.28
8 routerboard 3.28
9 wireless 3.28
10 routeros-mipsbe 3.28
11 ppp 3.28
kind regards