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Help on WiFi CPE [ (Poynting A-0038) RB411 + R52 (2.4GHz) ]

Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:17 am

Can anyone help me on HOW TO SETUP WiFi CPE [ (Poynting A-0038) RB411 + R52 (2.4GHz) ]?
This CPE is to receive WiFi signal from a distance about 1km.

Appreciate very much on your help...

Thank you.
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Re: Help on WiFi CPE [ (Poynting A-0038) RB411 + R52 (2.4GHz) ]

Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:52 pm

Hmm limited info but for a quick and short answer (not knowing your MT background or wireless know how)

1. make sure your cpe has line of sight (nothing between your cpe and the tower) to the ap(tower) you planning on connecting too.
2. Power up your CPE and login using winbox and select wireless from the left menu.
3. Make sure your wireless card is enabled if not enable it by clicking the blue check mark (if it's gray it's disabled if black it's enabled)
4. db click to open the wireless interface config window select the wireless tab and set the mode to station if you are connecting to a ap. ( you did not give the info)
5. Set the band to 2.4GHz-B/G hit the apply button now click scan and look for the tower SSID your looking for, when you find it click stop and select it from the list and click connect. this will change your SSID to the same as the towers. close the scan window.

If all is good you will get a "R" in front of your wireless card then your connected. Keep in mind there mite be thing's like Mac filtering or excerption that will not allow you to connect or connect but not send data.
This post is just based on the assumption that you just need to wirelessly connect a CPE to a AP(tower another ap or mikrotik in ap bridge mode)
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Re: Help on WiFi CPE [ (Poynting A-0038) RB411 + R52 (2.4GHz) ]

Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:54 am

Hi there, thanks for your reply.
I managed to get it setup already.
I'm still a newbie, i'm not so sure about some of the term there you seniors here are using.

I appologize for the inconvenient caused.