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Yet Another wireless alignment script with LEDs and beeps

Tue Feb 10, 2009 10:52 pm

My company is testing the RB433/411 boards to see if we can't use them as wireless CPE, and as part of that testing I wrote a script to monitor signal level and provide LED and audio feedback, without having to put the wireless interface into alignment mode. I plan on using it so that it launches on startup of the AP, to assist the installer during initial installation and alignment of the CPE.

Basic features are:
- customizeable runtime (caveat: it's fairly inaccurate, but still effective)
- recognizes 9 different signal levels, each with it's own LED patter and beep duration
- recognizes 3 different association states (associated, searching, disabled/other), each
association state also has its own unique LEDs and beeps
- uses 4 of the 5 LED lights on RB411/433 boards for signal quality display
- uses the "user-LED" (green LED above blue power LED) for signal association display.
- plays startup/shutdown tones (mostly for fun I guess, heh)

I hope that someone out there would appreciate my efforts as well, so I'm posting it here for free use/criticism/whatever! It's shown in "code" format below. Enjoy!

-= Mark Shumate
-= InfoWest
# Mikrotik RB411/433 "Lights and Sound" alignment script
# written by Mark Shumate Feb 2009
# NOTE: This script may work on other platforms, I
# don't have anything but RB411/433 here in front of
# me. The beeps will probably work on practically any
# wireless AP type Routerboard, but maybe the script
# would have to be edited? Dunno if it complains when
# you reference LEDs that don't exist...
# This script recognizes 9 different "signal levels"
# and 3 assoc. statuses (connected, searching, other)
# Currently, "signal levels" indicate the SNR/margin
# measurement. Higher signal-to-noise measurements
# correspond to higher levels. So level 8 would be
# the best, below 1 would be the worst. The better
# the signal-to-noise, the more LEDs you get, and
# the faster the beeps get. Only 4 LEDs are used,
# (the 5th being left alone, for NAND access ind.)
# with intermediate signal levels resulting in a
# combination of solid and flashing LEDs, shown
# here:
# >= Level 8 : 4 solid (100ms beeps)
# >= Level 7 : 3 solid, 4th flashing (300ms beeps)
# >= Level 6 : 3 solid (500ms beep cycle)
# >= Level 5 : 2 solid, 3rd flashing (700ms beeps)
# >= Level 4 : 2 solid (900ms beeps)
# >= Level 3 : 1 solid, 2nd flashing (1100ms beeps)
# >= Level 2 : 1 solid (1300ms beeps)
# >= Level 1 : 1 flashing (1500ms beeps)
# <  Level 1 : no LEDs, beeps only (1700ms beeps)
# The user-LED (green LED above the blue power LED)
# is used to display the association status. If the
# wireless interface is associated, the user-LED is
# solid. If the wireless interface is actively
# searching, but not yet associated, the user-LED is
# blinking twice a second, with a pause while a
# rising trill of 3 beeps is played. If the wireless
# interface is neither associated, nor searching
# (like disabled, or something weird) then the light
# will flicker rapidly every 2 seconds, and a
# falling trill of 2 beeps is played.

# Finally, the script plays startup (rising) and
# shutdown (falling) tones.

# For reference, the delay times associated with the
# different signal levels are shown here:
#:local lnsdelaytime 100ms;  <---signals at/above lvl 8
#:local lnsdelaytime 300ms;  <---signals between 7 and 8
#:local lnsdelaytime 500ms;  <---signals between 6 and 7
#:local lnsdelaytime 700ms;  <---signals between 5 and 6
#:local lnsdelaytime 900ms:  <---signals between 4 and 5
#:local lnsdelaytime 1100ms; <---signals between 3 and 4
#:local lnsdelaytime 1300ms; <---signals between 2 and 3
#:local lnsdelaytime 1500ms; <---signals between 1 and 2
#:local lnsdelaytime 1750ms; <---signals below lvl 1
#:local lnsdelaytime 2000ms; <---signal not available

# default delaytime
:local lnsdelaytime "2000ms";

# name of wireless interface to monitor (default wlan1)
:local lnsintname "wlan1";

# frequency (as in pitch) of beep (recommend 700 - 1000)
:local lnsbeepfreq 800;

# Here, the different signal levels are assigned to
# signal-to-noise measurements. I haven't really tweaked
# these yet to be in line with field testing, so they
# may need quite a bit of adjusting.
:local lnslevel8 70;
:local lnslevel7 65;
:local lnslevel6 60;
:local lnslevel5 55;
:local lnslevel4 50;
:local lnslevel3 45;
:local lnslevel2 40;
:local lnslevel1 35;

# The (veery approximate, heh) running time of the script
# is set here. I am too lazy right now to do this a
# better way...besides, who cares if the thing beeps or 
# flashes a couple extra minutes right?!? :)
:local lnsrunningtime 60m;

# Here, we set how long the script will beep. NOTE that
# startup/shutdown tones will still be played. 
# I like this feature when using an access point where
# the LEDs are clearly visible. If you don't want this
# feature, set it to the same as $lnsrunningtime
# (above).
:local lnsbeeptime 10m;

# figure out beep cutoff time
:local lnsrunbeepdiff;
:set lnsrunbeepdiff ($lnsrunningtime - $lnsbeeptime);

# initialize LEDs, play starting tones
:delay 50ms;
:led user-led=no led4=no led3=no led2=no led1=no;
:delay 50ms;
:beep frequency=($lnsbeepfreq - 300) length=50ms;
:delay 50ms;
:beep frequency=($lnsbeepfreq - 200) length=50ms;
:delay 50ms;

# main monitoring cycle
:while ($lnsrunningtime > 0s) do={
  /interface wireless monitor "$lnsintname" once do={
    :if ($"status" = "connected-to-ess") do={
      :if ($"signal-to-noise" >= $lnslevel8) do={
        :set lnsdelaytime 100ms;
        :if ($lnsrunningtime > $lnsrunbeepdiff) do={
          :beep frequency=$lnsbeepfreq length=($lnsdelaytime / 2);
        :led user-led=yes led4=yes led3=yes led2=yes led1=yes;
        :delay $lnsdelaytime;
      :if ($"signal-to-noise" >= $lnslevel7 && $"signal-to-noise" < $lnslevel8) do={
        :set lnsdelaytime 300ms;
        :if ($lnsrunningtime > $lnsrunbeepdiff) do={
          :beep frequency=$lnsbeepfreq length=($lnsdelaytime / 2);
        :for i from=1 to=3 do={
          :led user-led=yes led4=no led3=yes led2=yes led1=yes;
          :delay ($lnsdelaytime / 6);
          :led user-led=yes led4=yes led3=yes led2=yes led1=yes;
          :delay ($lnsdelaytime / 6);
      :if ($"signal-to-noise" >= $lnslevel6 && $"signal-to-noise" < $lnslevel7) do={
        :set lnsdelaytime 500ms;
        :led user-led=yes led4=no led3=yes led2=yes led1=yes;
        :if ($lnsrunningtime > $lnsrunbeepdiff) do={
          :beep frequency=$lnsbeepfreq length=($lnsdelaytime / 2);
        :delay $lnsdelaytime;
      :if ($"signal-to-noise" >= $lnslevel5 && $"signal-to-noise" < $lnslevel6) do={
        :set lnsdelaytime 700ms;
        :if ($lnsrunningtime > $lnsrunbeepdiff) do={
          :beep frequency=$lnsbeepfreq length=($lnsdelaytime / 2);
        :for i from=1 to=3 do={
          :led user-led=yes led4=no led3=no led2=yes led1=yes;
          :delay ($lnsdelaytime / 6);
          :led user-led=yes led4=no led3=yes led2=yes led1=yes;
          :delay ($lnsdelaytime / 6);
      :if ($"signal-to-noise" >= $lnslevel4 && $"signal-to-noise" < $lnslevel5) do={
        :set lnsdelaytime 900ms;
        :led user-led=yes led4=no led3=no led2=yes led1=yes;
        :if ($lnsrunningtime > $lnsrunbeepdiff) do={
          :beep frequency=$lnsbeepfreq length=($lnsdelaytime / 2);
        :delay $lnsdelaytime;
      :if ($"signal-to-noise" >= $lnslevel3 && $"signal-to-noise" < $lnslevel4) do={
        :set lnsdelaytime 1100ms;
        :if ($lnsrunningtime > $lnsrunbeepdiff) do={
          :beep frequency=$lnsbeepfreq length=($lnsdelaytime / 2);
        :for i from=1 to=3 do={
          :led user-led=yes led4=no led3=no led2=no led1=yes;
          :delay ($lnsdelaytime / 6);
          :led user-led=yes led4=no led3=no led2=yes led1=yes;
          :delay ($lnsdelaytime / 6);
      :if ($"signal-to-noise" >= $lnslevel2 && $"signal-to-noise" < $lnslevel3) do={
        :set lnsdelaytime 1300ms;
        :led user-led=yes led4=no led3=no led2=no led1=yes;
        :if ($lnsrunningtime > $lnsrunbeepdiff) do={
          :beep frequency=$lnsbeepfreq length=($lnsdelaytime / 2);
        :delay $lnsdelaytime;
      :if ($"signal-to-noise" >= $lnslevel1 && $"signal-to-noise" < $lnslevel2) do={
        :set lnsdelaytime 1500ms;
        :if ($lnsrunningtime > $lnsrunbeepdiff) do={
          :beep frequency=$lnsbeepfreq length=($lnsdelaytime / 2);
        :for i from=1 to=3 do={
          :led user-led=yes led4=no led3=no led2=no led1=no;
          :delay ($lnsdelaytime / 6);
          :led user-led=yes led4=no led3=no led2=no led1=yes;
          :delay ($lnsdelaytime / 6);
      :if ($"signal-to-noise" < $lnslevel1) do={
        :set lnsdelaytime 1700ms;
        :if ($lnsrunningtime > $lnsrunbeepdiff) do={
          :beep frequency=$lnsbeepfreq length=($lnsdelaytime / 2);
        :led user-led=yes led4=no led3=no led2=no led1=no;
        :delay $lnsdelaytime;
    } else={
      :if ($"status" = "searching-for-network") do={
        :set lnsdelaytime 2000ms;
        :led user-led=no led4=no led3=no led2=no led1=no;
        :if ($lnsrunningtime > $lnsrunbeepdiff) do={
          :beep frequency=$lnsbeepfreq length=100ms;
        :delay 100ms;
        :if ($lnsrunningtime > $lnsrunbeepdiff) do={
          :beep frequency=($lnsbeepfreq + 100) length=75ms;
        :delay 75ms;
        :if ($lnsrunningtime > $lnsrunbeepdiff) do={
          :beep frequency=($lnsbeepfreq + 200) length=50ms;
        :delay 50ms;
        :for i from=1 to=4 do={
          :led user-led=no;
          :delay ($lnsdelaytime / 8)
          :led user-led=yes;
          :delay ($lnsdelaytime / 8)
        :set lnsdelaytime ($lnsdelaytime + (50ms + 75ms + 100ms));
      } else={
        :set lnsdelaytime 2000ms;
        :led user-led=no led4=no led3=no led2=no led1=no;
        :if ($lnsrunningtime > $lnsrunbeepdiff) do={
          :beep frequency=($lnsbeepfreq - 150) length=150ms;
        :delay 150ms;
        :if ($lnsrunningtime > $lnsrunbeepdiff) do={
          :beep frequency=($lnsbeepfreq - 350) length=100ms;
        :delay 100ms;
        :for i from=1 to=4 do={
          :led user-led=yes;
          :delay 50ms;
          :led user-led=no;
          :delay 50ms;
        :delay 1550ms;
:set lnsrunningtime ("$lnsrunningtime" - "$lnsdelaytime");

# shut off LEDs, play shutdown tones
:delay 50ms;
:led user-led=no led4=no led3=no led2=no led1=no;
:delay 50ms;
:beep frequency=($lnsbeepfreq - 200) length=50ms;
:delay 50ms;
:beep frequency=($lnsbeepfreq - 300) length=50ms;
:delay 50ms;
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Re: Yet Another wireless alignment script with LEDs and beeps

Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:40 pm

absolutely brilliant!! Well done!

The only change I've made is to change all references to user-led to led5, because in our enclosures user-led is hidden, but since you kept led5 free, it was just a matter of doing a find/replace.

Once again, well done, this is a great script and will stay on my memory stick for a very long time! Thanks!
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Re: Yet Another wireless alignment script with LEDs and beeps

Sat Feb 28, 2009 3:30 am

Wow, I just found this. Its going in my toolbox for sure! I tested it on v4.0 beta and it works there too. Thanks!
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Re: Yet Another wireless alignment script with LEDs and beeps

Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:12 pm

Can you explain how to run this script through Winbox or via telnet or something? I've never run scripts before on these. I use RB433 boards and would like to be able to do an alignment with this.

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Re: Yet Another wireless alignment script with LEDs and beeps

Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:17 pm

Can you explain how to run this script through Winbox or via telnet or something? I've never run scripts before on these. I use RB433 boards and would like to be able to do an alignment with this.

- In WinBox, go to System / Scripts
- Click + to add a new script
- give it a name as you wish
- Copy the script and paste it into the big 'Source' box
- click OK
- select it and click 'Run Script' in the Script List window.

I haven't figured out how to stop the script once it starts running, but I just reboot the router.
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Re: Yet Another wireless alignment script with LEDs and beeps

Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:47 pm

Thanks! that wasw very helpful!

I did find out that if you run a script, then go to the Jobs tab, you can cancel the script from running without having to reboot.
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Re: Yet Another wireless alignment script with LEDs and beeps

Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:55 pm

I did find out that if you run a script, then go to the Jobs tab, you can cancel the script from running without having to reboot.
yes you're right! Completely forgot about that!
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Re: Yet Another wireless alignment script with LEDs and beeps

Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:02 pm

btw.. I really like how easy it is to adjust how to adjust this section:
:local lnslevel8 70;
:local lnslevel7 65;
:local lnslevel6 60;
:local lnslevel5 55;
:local lnslevel4 50;
:local lnslevel3 45;
:local lnslevel2 40;
:local lnslevel1 35;

If i want to make minor tweaks to my alignment I can go from level 1 at around 50dB to level 8 around 64dB, using 2dB increments. That's pretty cool. Can't wait to try this for real.
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Re: Yet Another wireless alignment script with LEDs and beeps

Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:14 pm

How can I make this script automatically come on everytime the router reboots???
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Re: Yet Another wireless alignment script with LEDs and beeps

Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:26 pm

add /system scheduler with start-time=startup
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Re: Yet Another wireless alignment script with LEDs and beeps

Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:35 pm

Could you please give me the steps. I have tried in system scheduler with no luck.

Thank you
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Re: Yet Another wireless alignment script with LEDs and beep

Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:53 am

will this script give different beeps for the bridge and station mode?

i am using Level3 (Ver 4.11) Board= RB711 (32MB RAM)

the bridge is giving a constant beep and the station changes its beeps when trying to adjust.