For some routers like linksys, you can enable wan management and access it remotely using its dynamic dns or wan ip address, for mikrotik, can we also do that? I believe that mikrotik supports dynamic dns either by changeip or everywhereip by just applying the scripts,would that be enough? or do we need to do something else other than applying the script?
.. get your self a changeip account and host name then using the dyn script it will work great with web interface or winbox to that host you created. a copy of the script for ros v3+ and ros v2 is on the form and wiki just search if you don't find it let me know and I’ll past a copy
yes you will -.- 99.99% of adsl providers will give you a "wan" ip, to find out is pretty easy most routers have a status page, and if your using MT to dial the pppoe just look at the ip you get when connected.
yes there is a public ip however,when i tried accessing MT remotely,its giving me the log-in page of my linksys router..I already disabled WAN or remote management of my linksys but still, im unable to get that screen
Modem web interface is also operated on port 80 by default, so it will open the modem page.
Better to change mikrotik web service port to some other port example 1234 and forward this port from the modem to mikrotik, and then you can access it like http://ddnsname:1234