please post the supout to MT asasp so they will improve the routing.
Done two minutes after the crash.. and they have quite a collection of our supouts from 3.23 on
We are still quite a bit far a way from competitor but they are improving it.
MT has done some wonderful steps forward since last year (bgp speaking).
I've been using MT bgp for the last four years and (as you should know, if i got who you are
) up to
last year you would have never forced me to use ROS as a full function border router (you should rember
my e-mail when you joined Namex).
Since the RB1000 has come out ROS versions have become much better on BGP (even if not perfect,
but if the redistribution route crash bug is fixed we are not too far from that), at the point that we started replacing
our quagga boxes with MT boxes.. they finally included some missing basic features (like the remove private as), and
have a good ipv6 support.. i really don't miss any "legacy" routers, maybe except for the lack of something like and RB1000 with optical interfaces (SFP would really be nice), and possibly a "legacy" 48V powered RB "something"
Still see 100% load whenever I change the filter applied to bgp peers and slowness charging and distributing the fullroute.
That's not a bug, you will always see the CPU crunching numbers and load up to 100% when it has to update the route table, that's not an issue, as long as it's handled fine by the BGP process and does not impact any router functionality. It may still be a little slow on loading and redistibuting prefixes, but i've never installed ROS on the same machine as a Quagga box to compare, and after all i don't feel it's that slow in processing routes.
From me is a big ++ and thank to MT for the work done on bgp lately..