apologies if for my basic knowlege but I am looking for some help with the following.
I have just bought a RB450 and it is the first time I have seen the OS. I have managed to connect to it, assign IP's to 3 of the interfaces in the following configuration;
eth01 - - this interface provides DHCP with a range of - 200
eth02 - - this is an address on an existing network which has access to the internet.
eth03 - - this is an address on a second existing network which has access to the internet.
I have set a route and firewall rule in NAT so that any devices which recieved a DHCP address from eth01 can get out on the internet using eth02. I can then manually edit the route and rule so that it connects to the internet using eth03.
What I would like to do is have a situation whereby it used eth02 as the default route but, if the internet loses connection it will failover onto the eth03 network.
At the moment this is in a test environment but once I have this working I will be installing it in a real life situation with routers on eth02 & eth03 rather than as it is at the moment but then end result would be the same.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.