Mon Aug 15, 2005 1:22 pm
In our testing, the dBm tx power settings are actually relative, but not likely true dBm tx powers.
Setting tx power to default, with the advanced tab, we see that default is 24-27dBm in some configs, some other configs, it might be 17dBm.
Regardless, RSSI on the remote side does not increase on a dB per dB increase basis (ie, if you increase the tx power on one side, the RSSI on the remote doesn't always change by 1dB).
I think this comes down the card you are using. Tx powers are relative to the radios max output. CM9's can be turned up above their default power setting, we've used them that way just fine for a long time, often set at 24-27dBm and even sometimes set at 30dBm.
I don't have a meter but I've been told that they put out up to about 23dBm at max output. But, that may also be relative to how the power is measured.
OFDM measurements are different from DSSS measurements. OFDM is measured by "peak" power, where DSSS is measured more on an "average" power. When in OFDM mode (802.11a or g), peak power may actually hit some high levels, but only on some of the carriers within the OFDM channel and only some of the time.
Anyway, I'm no RF guru, but thats the way I understand it and thats what our testing has shown us.
0-30dBm means you might get 0-23 or 0-24dBm actual tx power from a CM9. From another radio, those numbers will be relatively different, but should be relatively the same from radio to radio while the model is the same.
Plus, radios generally have a +/- 2dB variance in power. This is because components and the manufacturing process can only give you tx power within a certain range, with a potential for higher or lower tx power on a radio by radio basis (each radio manufactured will generally be slightly stronger or weaker than another).
I tend to fine tune my links by setting the power up and down until I find the "sweet spot". Once I find that sweet spot, I generally keep it there and that "sweet spot" will vary depending on a number of different factors:
- Frequency
- Coax
- Antenna Make/Model and specifically VSWR
- Ampflier (if used, generally we turn the tx power on the radio WAY down to 10-20dBm, depending on what the amp is designed for).