Sat Sep 19, 2009 12:26 am
6:10:41 pptp,info TCP connection established from x.x.x.x
16:10:41 pptp,ppp,info <pptp-0>: waiting for call...
16:10:41 pptp,ppp,info <pptp-0>: authenticated
16:10:41 pptp,ppp,info <pptp-0>: using encoding - MPPE128 stateless
16:10:41 pptp,ppp,info <pptp-0>: connected
16:10:41 pptp,ppp,info,account *** logged in, y.y.y.y
16:10:41 pptp,ppp,info pptp-out1: initializing...
16:10:41 pptp,ppp,info pptp-out1: dialing...
16:10:41 system,info device changed by admin
16:10:41 pptp,ppp,info pptp-out1: authenticated
16:10:41 pptp,ppp,info pptp-out1: using encoding - MPPE128 stateless
16:10:41 pptp,ppp,info pptp-out1: connected
The last line of the server log showed an address from the pool it was supposed to use to assign to pptp users, but I don't see it on the client side. I tested it on a demo install I had set up in a VM and got the exact same thing (older version). I can upgrade the 750 once I'm home.