I have searched.. Tried.. REsearched and REtried.. and with no luck, I am asking for help.
I have a RB433AH that I am using as an AP. Currently I am running this as an AP Bridge. On the other end of my link, I have an RB411 running Station Pseudobridge. It works great when is all that I have connected is one laptop. But when I plug a switch into it, it comes to a grinding halt!
OK.. I have read the posts that say this is typical, and that I should be using WDS Mode instead. Reluctant to use it due to the ever knowing speed reduction.... I tried it. SAME PROBLEM!!
I've read a couple of different post telling a couple of different ways to set up WDS. The first says put the Client into Station WDS, and the next post says put it in AP Bridge. One says use STATIC WDS the next says Dynamic.
i have tried about every which way I can think of, played to my hearts content, and still no luck. So I'm asking.. HELP!!!!
What should I set the AP Up as?
Mode: ??????
Mode: ??????
What should I set the Client up as?
Mode: ??????
Mode: ??????
I am hoping to move to this for my government enterprise devices, as they are far more functional than my current, not to mention more robust (I'm hoping!!).
In case it matters, I am using the FCC Licensed band on 4.9GHz, which is for public safety. I can create a link and have them pass traffic, the major problem seems to be when I intorduce more than one MAC Address, such as multiple PC's, into the equasion.
Thanks for any help you can offer!!
Rod Ekholm
Spokane County Communications
Communications Technician