Запрос HTTP послан, ожидание ответа...
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: text/xml
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 2010 09:12:15 GMT
Expires: 0
Длина: игнорируется [text/xml]
Saving to: «/home/backup/dude-backup/data/dude-backup-2010.07.08.xml»
0K 0,00 =0s
2010-07-08 13:03:08 (0,00 B/s) - «/home/backup/dude-backup/data/dude-backup-2010.07.08.xml» saved [0]
It's WGET output, when i run the script. Why Content-Lenght = 0? 0_o. May be because the dude 3.6 returns Content-Length=0 in their headers while generating, and sends the additional HTTP-request with correct headers when XML was generated? Then i have question. How make script is cath this request (if this reasons are true)
Gsandul, thanks for solution. Probably'll do.
May be offtop, but did you know about upgrading dude 2.2 to 3.6 or 4(beta) and 3.6 to 4(beta)?
May possible to data loss, misrepresentation,distortion of topology on maps, missing probes, etc.?
Our Company buying other ISP, and their using Dude 2.2 for monitoring services on devices, so i ask.
In the near future, I plan to consolidate both servers as monitoring-agents. This requires reduction to a single version.
UP. Content-Lenght = 0 because harddrive is full. Not awailable space required for backup.