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snmp problem - reads irrelevant information

Mon May 09, 2005 4:15 am

Well, take a look at this...

i have 3 wireless interfaces in a MT router running 2.8.26

here is the result of interface wireless print:
[admin@mt] interface wireless> print brief
Flags: X - disabled, R - running 
 #    NAME                              MTU   MAC-ADDRESS       ARP       
 0  R bb-1                           1500  00:02:6F:20:53:D2 enabled   
 1  R bb-2                       1500  00:02:6F:01:B9:7B enabled   
 2  R bb-3                             1500  00:30:4F:2A:06:06 enabled   
these are the oids:
[admin@mt] interface wireless> print oid
Flags: X - disabled, R - running 
 0  R tx-rate=. 

 1  R tx-rate=. 

 2  R tx-rate=. 
and this is what i get when i do snmpwalk:
root@host:~# snmpwalk -v 1 -ctwmn-read .

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.14988. = Gauge32: 11000000
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.14988. = Gauge32: 1000000
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.14988. = INTEGER: -72
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.14988. = STRING: "ESSID"
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.14988. = Hex-STRING: 00 02 6F 05 45 9E
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.14988. = INTEGER: 2462
the other 2 interfaces are not reported....

the same happens with 2.8.16 and 2.8.22..

So, where are the interfaces gone ?
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Tue May 10, 2005 3:11 am

24h without an answer ?

i dont believe that this happens only in MT routers in my city :lol:
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Tue May 10, 2005 9:30 am

Seems that two other interfaces are APs, aren't they?
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Tue May 10, 2005 4:28 pm

I'm having a similar problem with WDS interfaces. It seems as though the index is broken (. Lewis, have you tried walking this OID instead? My problem is that when I try to get SNMP values for an AP with more than on WDS interfaces attached, I can only extract the signal strength from the wlan interface - none of the wds interfaces and their signal readings will extract right. MT, is there anyway to take advantage of WDS interfaces with SNMP?

Edit: For example, it appears that the index is the same for all WDS interfaces. If I do a walk (a query in Cacti), I get the following:
+ Found item [Strength='-73'] index: 5 [from value]
+ Found item [Strength='-61'] index: 5 [from value]
+ Found item [Strength='-100'] index: 5 [from value]
Index 5 is where the wireless interface is (wlan1). It won't index the WDS interfaces. Since the OIDs for these interfaces seem to be dynamic among each board, there's no way of specifying individual OIDs.
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Thu May 12, 2005 5:31 am

Can anyone from Mikrotik verify that the SNMP indexes are working properly with multiple WDS interfaces? I've been fighting this for awhile now and can't get it to walk properly.
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Thu May 19, 2005 3:14 am

Seems that two other interfaces are APs, aren't they?
this is the problem...

i tried it after changing mode from AP to station, and everything worked fine..

but this does not solve my problem...
since i cannot connect 2 routers in adhoc mode, i cannot graph the one side..

@jarosoup: can you share any template or any cacti related info with us ?

using your oid, i get signal strengths..
uom:~# snmpwalk -v 1 -ctwmn-read .
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.14988. = INTEGER: -75
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.14988. = INTEGER: -70
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.14988. = INTEGER: -56
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Thu May 19, 2005 2:25 pm

The information your are trying to get is not applicable to cards working in AP mode. Try values from registration table instead.

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Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:15 pm

@jarosoup: can you share any template or any cacti related info with us ?
these days, I'm working on this Lewi :wink:
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Mon Jul 25, 2005 4:03 am

Woops, I guess I let this one slip by...
The information your are trying to get is not applicable to cards working in AP mode. Try values from registration table instead.
Yes, I was confusing the WDS links themselves with the entries in the registration table. The problem remains. The goal is to use Cacti (or MRTG or some other capable SNMP graphing utility) to graph multiple WDS inteface links' signal strengths on a single AP.

In Cacti, there is no way to graph signals for WDS links because there is no relationship between them and what is listed in the registration table. You can't select the WDS interfaces, and index them from the registration table. There is no signal strength associated with a WDS interface (which I can understand as it's a standard ethernet RFC). Also, stictly choosing the registration table is problematic, as the print statement shows each entry with "NAME", "print oid" show no such name and so there is no way to tell what's what in the registration table when walking with SNMP as there is no name to match the index with the actual signal. The only way to do it is to manually enter every single OID for every entry in each registration table of each device - this is very time consuming and unorganized, especially for a large network of Mikrotik devices. The only alternative way I can think of to handle all these signals is with scripts that are constantly updating some flat file or table in a database.

This has left me with 2 questions:

1) Is there some sane way to handle graphing many WDS links via the Registration Table with standard SNMP?

2) Are there plans to add/improve SNMP support for wireless? In particular, at least adding a "name" field to each OID of each entry in the registration table (I guess this is the "radio name" field when printing). Or, some sort of relationship or extension to tie together the WDS interfaces with the registration table's signal levels?

@jarosoup: can you share any template or any cacti related info with us ?
Unfortunately, other than plugging in OIDs manually into a generic SNMP data source, I've found no other way of handling this. Mojiro, I'd certainly be interested in any comments you might have about this...
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Wed Aug 17, 2005 10:51 pm

Mojiro, I'd certainly be interested in any comments you might have about this...
check this
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Thu Aug 18, 2005 2:56 am

In Cacti, there is no way to graph signals for WDS links because there is no relationship between them and what is listed in the registration table. You can't select the WDS interfaces, and index them from the registration table.
Now if only there where a way to handle this... :cry:

Nice templates you've made though :)
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Re: snmp problem - reads irrelevant information

Fri Feb 08, 2008 6:19 am

Is there now (three years later) any way to reliably and consistently read the signal strength from a WDS interface using SNMP?? Perhaps in the as-yet undocumented 3.0 software??

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