I am using 2.9 RC10. I already tried what u said. But nothing i can do. I need the exact 10pm to 10am schedual. Cause *In firewall rule i cannot make 2 schedual for the same ip. * I cant use not (!) options because reason. * If i use drop rule it only drops some packet. Cause i already use in forward rules accept. Now i tell my condition.
I have 100( approx) clint. I use static ip for all. I only wants my desire mac address with desire Ip to access 24hours net connection. I want 20 (approx) clints to use net connection only form 10pm-10am. Now i set these rules in winbox......
Action: accept, Chain: forward, Src.address:, In interface: Local, Out interface: Public
Action: accept, Chain: forward, Src.address:, In interface: Local, Out interface: Public
Action: accept, Chain: forward, Src.address: 192.168.51.XX, In interface: Local, Out interface: Public
Action: drop, Chain: forward, Src.address:, In interface: Local, Out interface: Public
I set firewall rules for each ip i want to open for 24 hours, then drop all ip form my local interface. Now can anyone tell me how to open some ip only for 10pm-10am. Here firewall rules 10pm-10am is not working. If i use drop rules in firewall rules for that ip, it dosent work. Cause i cann't accept and drop same ip at the same time. Please help me to schedule in firewall rules for each ip for 10pm-10am. Thanks.