I'm trying to set my Access Point to be viewable remotely.
I'm running MT RouterOS 4.1 connected via PPPoE client to DSL with non-static. I've created a hotspot and am serving DHCP addresses to wireless clients via my Wireless AP connected to the Hotspot router.
I"ve given the AP a static IP inside the Hotspot address pool.
I've done IP binding with the AP address and Hotspot address.
Created a "bypass" type binding.
Id like to access the AP Gui remotely. I"ve created a new Port on AP to forward to outside.
Or I guess I may not even need to add a new port on the AP. I believe I can keep Port 80 and add a new port i.e. 8082 to the public interface?
It seems to be pretty straightforward when AP is not behind a Hotspot. But, I'm a bit confused as to which path to take with the AP static IP behind the Hotspot and make it remotely viewable.
Is this proper procedure to access AP remotely?
Any examples?