im trying to setup a Route to a PPTP provider - only routing VoIP related packages. right now im trying to get it to work with HTTP first and then change to SIP protocols when I know what im doing
But I seem to hit a wall.
I have created the interface (pptp client) and can login - default gateway disabled..
I have setup a Firewall/Mangle rule tagging (prerouting, tcp, port80) action mark roution, mark HTTP, passsthrough=yes)
I have added a static route (dst add:, gateway "pptp_client", distance 1, routing mark "HTTP")
And have setup a Policy routing rule (src:, Action=lookup, TABLE=HTTP)
I have also tried to set Default distance on direct ISP interface to Distrance = 5
But when I enable the above... it seems like all trafic wants to go through the PPTP. I get a lot of traffic out of the TX, but receives 0 back from PPTP if.
Who is clever enough to help me get this to work.
Kasper /RB450G RB750