I am currently working around that by using a script every five minutes to log Hotspot utilization by Hotspot server. Via syslog that gets passed to an external server that then graphs the numbers:
# summarize hotspot total users via syslog
# prep string to write to log
:local message "Hotspot usage summary: ";
# step through all available hotspot servers
:foreach hotspotServer in=[/ip hotspot find] do={
# get the name of the one we're currently looking at
:local serverName [/ip hotspot get $hotspotServer name];
# append log string with hotspot server name and the total number of acti e users
:set message ($message . $serverName . "=" . [/ip hotspot active print count-only where server=$serverName] . ", ");
# trim away the trailing comma and space
:set message [:pick $message 0 ([:len $message] - 2)];
# log it
:log info $message
Dirty, but it works.
Again, if you or anyone else knows a way to do this purely by SNMP that'd be very nice.