First of all, give me some information...
first check if your configuration works out of the router, i mean.
Did you created an acount on
Did you linked updates to the DNS dynamic service you want to update with dnsomatic?
did you test if you send an update manually or with a software client to DNSoMatic it propagates to the desired DNS service you want to update with?
Test this to ensure that we are in the correct way.
I have been trying to find the error with the script scince i had wrote my first message.
i have an account that is linked to opendns service and opendns updater is working fine for me without any problems.
till now i can say there is a problem in the following step :
# get the current IP address from the internet (in case of double-nat)
/tool fetch mode=http address="" src-path="/" dst-path="/dyndns.checkip.html"
:local result [/file get dyndns.checkip.html contents]
I had read the script carefully and found that it stops just at the mentioned step (detected by messages in the log file)
I got an idea .I copied the command in this step and past it in the new terminal .
after that tried the script and it reached to the final step which is :
DNSoMatic: host ... updated on DNSoMatice with ip ..................... .
If i changed the wan IP ,i had to manually run the mentioned step for the script to progress.