New story same as old story (v4.3 as v4.0,1,2) - as soon as I load v4.3 on RB433 with 5.8 PtoMP * 8 - constant drops and fluctuating latency off the chart.
Download v3.28 and IMMEDIATE connect on ALL interfaces and NO DROPS and NO FLUCTUATION!
Now somebody PLEASE explain this to me!
RTS-CTS doesn't make one iota difference.
I don't DARE put v4.3 on my APs - god only knows what would happen there with 50-100 connections.
This can't be a wds / data transaction issue - it seems more like a rf control issue - kinda like 4 years ago when NONE of my APs could hold a connection for 6 months until rts-cts was re-instituted(?).
Am I crazy?
I would love to have the features that v4.+ purports to have but when will it be usable?
OK - I needed to get that off my chest.
Now - v3.28 is kicking ass so it's not like I am in dire straits here - and it isn't like there are a lot of hot contenders out there to replace MT - there aint! So I'll continue to bide my time and only bitch once in a while. It's like waving candy in front of a baby tho!
Love you guys - MT rocks!
Your a good man Normis! )
I'll go away now -