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MTAP-Client connection problem...HELP!

Thu Sep 01, 2005 2:42 am

Hi all. I have set up an MT configured as AP.I bridged wlan1 and ether1.I am also using access lists - MAC - for the wlan side.Client are able to connect to the AP and surf the internet etc.The connection for the clients are slow....upon checking the MTAP logs I found that the AP was connecting the clients then after afew minutes (1-2min) disconnecting the clients etc. etc. This was resuting in alot of timeouts from the client side. The gateways for the clients was the MTAP. The clients have static IP's and are on the same subnet as the MTAP wlan. Is there anything I can do to rectify this problem? AM I doing something wrong? I need help as I need to sort this out soonest..... :shock:
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Tue Sep 06, 2005 12:08 am

check the log is there any error message when the clients disconnects. if there is then what is it.
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Tue Sep 06, 2005 12:35 am

The only message that appeare in the logs is:

xx:xx:xx:xx connected
xx:xx:xx:xx disconnected
xx:xx:xx:xx connected
xx:xx:xx:xx disconnected
xx:xx:xx:xx connected
xx:xx:xx:xx disconnected

When I reboot the MTAP it stabilises for afew minutes then it repeates itself. Another question on the side....when you upgrade the Router OS version can you leave your configs on the Router and upgrade or after the upgrade do you have to reconfigure? :?:
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Tue Sep 06, 2005 12:40 am

so there iis nothing like excessive data losses and so on in the log. then check the wireless tables to see the signal strength if the clients are in proper range. then are they outdoor equipments or indoor.....